Vba shell wait. Make Excel VBA wait until operation is finished.
Vba shell wait Run(ShellString, 1, True) This example shows how to start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA. We can use shell to execute any programs. Thread starter jgspencer; Start date Apr 10, 2009; Tags shell and wait J. 05. Apr 10, 2009 #1 I need help with some code regarding shell and wait. The accompanying Form demonstrates usage of each function. Subroutine ShellAndWait uses Shell to launch another program. Call Shell("C:\Temp 解説. mod C:\Example\data. Hot Network Questions Shell関数で起動したプログラムの終了を待つ VB6. Shell") ErrorCode = WshShell. Shell") Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1 wsh. Keywords: VBA, shell, shell and wait, OpenProcess, WaitForSingleProcess: Categories: API, Office : Subroutine ShellAndWait uses Shell to launch another program. This shelled program continues to run independently of your procedure until you close it. It works fine for the first iteration. To your code add: Dim WshShell As Object Dim ErrorCode As Long Set WshShell = VBA. VBS not waiting for . May 14, 2003 115 US. Mar 8, 2004 #1 proteome Technical User. If your procedure needs to wait for the shelled process to end, you can use the Windows I'm launching a program from a VBA macro and I need to wait for it to finish running before I can go and post-process the resulting data. At the server side, bash executes this. Here are some examples of how to use Shell in VBA. When you run the Shell function in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) procedure, it starts an executable program asynchronously and returns control to the procedure. exe" & _ " -url" & " " & "www. I don't think that's the problem (btw I tried full path names as well, but same thing happens). Dim wsh As Object Set wsh = VBA. Dim RetVal RetVal = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD. Execute AutoIt and wait for finish. Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")) Call Shell("notepad", vbNormalFocus) Daher werden Shell Wait. I want to switch back and forth between application with the shell command in VBA. Sub SplitFiles() 'This needs PDFTK installed Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim fol As Folder Dim fil As File Dim i As Integer Dim Kill "C:\Users\wanne\OneDrive\Documents\Bijberoep\Scans\Klaar\*. EXE " & "\\PathToYourPowerShellScript\PowerShellScript. We’ll use a Timer inside our code. Wenn wir große VBA-Programme erstellen, die viele Berechnungen durchführen, oder vielleicht sogar ein externes Programm aufrufen, kann es erforderlich sein, dass unser VBA-Code für eine bestimmte Zeitspanne angehalten wird, So I came across Shell & Wait, or CreateProcess or whatever you want to call it and that works beautifully. Sleep for the VB code to wait. Your account can't use all available BBCodes, they will be stripped before saving. I am trying to write a shell that triggers a . Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. DoEvents is a method that Edit2 - Add a blurb: The original code linked in the opening paragraph extended VBA's built in toolset with a ShellWait() sub similar to the built in Shell() function except that it was a blocking system call so that the execution of the VBA code would stop and wait for ShellWait() to complete before it moves on to the next line of VBA code. Hier ist eine einfache Anleitung: Du kannst den Shell-Befehl in der Funktion StartShell_Wait anpassen, indem du den cmdline-Parameter änderst. Sub Detener_Ejecucion_VBA() 'Se usa para detener por determinado tiempo 方法二: VBA 使用WScript. Shell "Explorer. If TimeOutMs expires before the shell'd program ' terminates, the return value is ShellAndWaitResult. I am trying to create a loop in VBA to automate this task but am running into a few problems. It then uses OpenProcess to get the new program's handle and calls WaitForSingleObject to wait until The module included in the attachment contains 3 routines that supplements VB's intrinsic Shell function by waiting for the shelled program to terminate before resuming with the next line of code without blocking other events from firing. The Shell Function. Run "cmd. The problem is probably that ShellExecute command works asynchronically from the VBA. xlsm", vbMaximizedFocus 'Wait until query is refreshed. End Sub. Thread starter proteome; Start date Mar 8, 2004; Status Not open for further replies. VBA provides us with a built-in method called Wait. Das Shell-Programm wird unabhängig von Ihrer Prozedur weiter ausgeführt, bis Sie es schließen. Application. The VBA Shell function can be used to start an external program or perform any operation for which you would normally use the Run item on the Windows start menu. Funktioniert dies in allen Excel-Versionen? Frequently Asked Questions. Thread. 在 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 过程中运行 Shell 函数时,它将异步启动可执行程序并将控制权返回到过程。 此 Shelled 程序将继续独立于您的过程运行,直到关闭它。 如果您的过程需要等待 Shelled 进程结束,则可以使用 Windows API 来轮询应用程序的状态,但此方法并不是很有效。 ' ' TimeOutMs ' is the number of milliseconds to wait for the shell'd program to wait. Shell") Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1 Dim errorCode As Integer wsh. There’s Chip Pearson’s Shell and Wait, use the following link to get a copy. VBAの処理中に一定時間だけ処理を止めたいことがあります。方法としてWin32APIのSleep関数とApplication. waiting for the target application to terminate. Waitメソッドが挙げられます。. . I have searched the forum and found something close to this requirement but still can't get the process complete before going API: Shell and Wait. Let say I'm an athlete and run a track and I ask you to write a program that graphically shows my progress as I run around the track. pl c:\temp") -Edit-To wait for the command to finish you will have to do something like @Nate Hekman shows in his answer here. How do I make Access wait till I'm done with my other application. cls Set wsh = VBA. Sub OpenAnyFile() VBA. We’ll activate the Timer once our desired process starts being executed, and we’ll note the starting time. hProcess, INFINITE) Call I'm using Excel VBA for this and here's my code that I'm calling ShellAndWait with What am I doing wrong? thank you very much Sub test() Dim cmdLine As String cmdLine = "C:\Documents and Settings\natalie. dat", , True, 60000) - this code should be setting Wait to true and then timing out at 60000 milliseconds. MinimizedFocus, _ Optional ByVal Wait As Boolean = False, _ A lot of the answers here assume that you're running your VBScript in the Windows Scripting Host (usually wscript. Run(Me. The problem is the method Wait takes a fixed time as the argument and then makes the code wait for that fixed time. Shell") command = "cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wscript. Before trying the above code snippets, I just made use of the Shell command to execute OpenSees & SendKeys commands to open the required file & threading. Run command to finish. Ceci est particulièrment interessant dans le cas par exemple de la génération automatique d'un grand nombre de fichiers, d'envois de mails ou autre. Here is what I have so far even though it's not Hi I'm needing some help in getting a Shell process (ShellExecute another external program) to wait until this external program gets completed, then only the main program can go on to the next stage. Wait for program to complete. I see no Excel VBA Wait For Shell to Finish before continuing with script. How to I stop vb code from finishing before my shell script finishes. The Shell function starts the command text and then immediately returns The problem: VBA wont wait for the last opened cmd window (asynchrone) so I added another cmd prompt to serve as 'waitonrun' but also to check that no terrible thing happened. 方法三、如何确定 shell 进程何时结束(微软官方的方法) Excel VBA Wait For Shell to Finish before continuing with script. どちらを使ってもいいのですが、引数に一時停止時間をミリ秒で指定するだけのSleep関数の方が直感的で使いやすいです。 VBA Shell and Wait. Is it possible to run a VBA macro in Excel, as the process? I am using a shell and wait routine that looks like the following. Shell") Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True Dim windowStyle As Integer A peace of code checking if the started shell program is ready (So that I can start another shell program) I do not rule out that there is a bug in windows, powershell or msaccess but of course the behavoir is to vague to be sure. So the question remains: how can I pass this exit code back to the VBA macro? I do not understand the shellAndWait() class linked above. It then uses OpenProcess to get the new program's handle and calls WaitForSingleObject to wait until Reply To: Shell & wait (VBA – Access 97) You can use BBCodes to format your content. Functions (Visual Basic for Applications) Support and feedback. Author(s) Terry Kreft (Q) Whenever I shell out to another application, Access doesn't seem to wait before executing the next VBA statment. stackoverflow. SerialNumber & " /position=" & Me. If the ' shell'd program terminates before TimeOutMs has expired, the function returns ' ShellAndWaitResult. 004. Version: vba6: Type: Freeware: This works but not in the right order. Joined Apr 3, 2009 Messages 35. txt") Open some application. This pages describes the VBA Shell function and provides a procedure that will wait for a Shell'd function to terminate. vbs " & args oShell. Open stackoverflow in Chrome. vba: execute shell after finishing previous shell. 0 のサンプルコード - VBレスキュー(花ちゃん) アプリケーション(自・他)関係のメニュー: 1.VB上から他の実行可能プログラム(EXE)を起動する Wait 50 '指定時間待つ、待機関数 を参照 Option Explicit 'SampleNo=074 WindowsXP VB6. How can I do that ? Forums. Emails en printed attachments get mixed-up. 'lpCommandLine 'If the file name does not contain a directory path, the system searches for the executable file Private Declare PtrSafe Function WinAPI_CreateProcess Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateProcessA" _ (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal VBA Shell & Wait: the easy way! Sub ShellAndWait(pathFile As String) With CreateObject("WScript. My current program works properly with the following Shell command: Shell("oplrun C:\Example\model. I have read about the shell and wait function but I don't really understand it that much. The VBA Shell function can be Can't understand why, if the shell function syntax in vba is: Public Function Shell( _ ByVal PathName As String, _ Optional ByVal Style As AppWinStyle = You are using the Shell function to start WB2 from WB1. 如果是shell中等待使用wait,则不会等待调用函数中子任务。在函数中使用wait,则只等待函数中启动的后 Hi, I have been reading about the Shell Function on MSDN and they claim to have the ability to wait for a shell command to execute before proceeding. It starts a program. 0&, 0&, start, proc) 'TEST SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Data Types ' Wait for the shelled application to finish: ret& = WaitForSingleObject(proc. How to wait for a shell process to finish before executing further code in VB6. What i want is a to open IE and wait until the process is complete to continue the program. exe or cscript. 问 在VBA中捕获shell ' ' TimeOutMs ' is the number of milliseconds to wait for the shell'd program to wait. exe file and regrinds hours in the POS system that my restaurants use. I am after the exit code of this script run on the server, so it is irrelevant for me to use the task ID of the shell function stored in retval. jgspencer New Member. But in VBA it starts a program asynchronously, which means it doesn't wait for the program (or in your case, the Shell ("oplrun C:\Example\model. exe C:\Users\vjrdcx\Aptiv\Aptiv Global Business Services - Documents\SPM\Open Items Report\OTC Semantic 2. Run pathFile, 1, True End With End Sub (You could even squish it to one line, but this is easier to read. Success = 0. 5. – Lundt. However, I was also using the code to automatically decompile the databases with the /decompile option. android. 0(SP5) 2002. 指定したファイルを Shell 関数で正常に実行できた場合、起動されたプログラムのタスク ID が返されます。 タスク ID は、実行中のプログラムを識別する一意の番号です。 指定したプログラムを Shell で起動できない場合、エラーが発生します。. exe /S /C perl a. Run pathFile, 1, True End With End Sub Shell And Wait. Call Shell ("notepad C:\Users\user\Desktop\temp\TEST. exe") Beep "直到上面执行完成后才会执行后面的命令程序,一直等待上面程序结束 " MsgBox "Done!" End Sub. 等待作业号或者进程号制定的进程退出,返回最后一个作业或进程的退出状态状态。如果没有制定参数,则等待所有子进程的退出,其退出状态为0. Podemos utilizar el comando Wait de VBA para retrasar la llamada al comando Shell durante un periodo de tiempo específico. Here is what I have so far even though it's not VBAからアプリやファイルを起動して、ユーザーがそのアプリを終了するまで待機(マクロを一時停止)する方法を紹介します。これには、WshShellオブジェクトのRunメソッドを使います。以下のコードを実行すると、まずExcelウィンドウが起動 Um in Excel VBA zu warten, bis ein Shell-Befehl vollständig ausgeführt wird, kannst du die CreateObject-Methode mit dem WScript. By I've often usd the Shell command and 'waited' for it to finish using this technique:- Let lngPID = Shell(strExecutable, vbNormalFocus) Let lngPID = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, lngPID) Do Let lngReturn = WaitForSingleObject(lngPID, 0) DoEvents Loop While lngReturn <> 0 but now I want to do something similar except I want to use the default VBA Shell. VBscript run cmd and wait for output. The Shell_n_Wait function augments the native Shell function by VBA Wait Shell. Waiting for process to end before activating app. Shell Sub demo_Wait() ShellAndWait ("notepad. Shell関数で起動したプログラムの終了を待つ VB6. Excelを自動操作するのがマクロVBAの主な使用目的ですが、他のアプリケーションを起動したい場合も時に出てきます。他のアプリケーションを起動する手段としてVBAに標準で用意されているものがShell関数です。VBAの実行結果をテキスト出力しておいて、マクロ終了時に、メモ帳で実行結果を HOME > Excel > Excelマクロ・VBA > VBA実用 > No. net ? Thanks This example shows how to start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA. Run "POWERSHELL. com",vbMaximizedFocus) Open some text file. I've tried Application. Are ampersands not Shell("perl a. Hide) everything works just fine. Hey guys! just wondering if there is an way to command Call Shell("my_bakcup_string",1) and wait 'till the bakcup program ends to go next command in VBA thank you! :cool: Hello everybody. How to wait shell command until another one finishes. 13. Shell verwenden. Shell") If psmeth = 1 Then 'add an msdos '&' between msdos args and cut the vba string with a vba '&' where you want to insert vba -Also, I need it to also incorporate a shell and wait that will not continue to the next step of code until the shell has finished but to stop running after 3 minutes if the shell does not complete the task. i want to write a macro that open some external application using shell command, wait for exact amount of time then close that application and open new, also from command line, my problem is that the code doesn't execute after shell command taskkill. VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished? 4. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. Excelからメモ帳を起動するなど、Office製品でない他ののアプリケーションを起動するためのVBAの記述をご紹介します。 VBA调用Shell是异步处理,以下为同步处理代码,注释写的还行,就不多说了。可以直接拿到本地DEBUG以下,注意将下面的本地路径替换为你要运行的bat文件。' 引入外部函数 PtrSafe用来避免不兼容问题(32位,64位 版本等)'取得能够对进程进行操作的处理器,第一个 You need to tell the run to wait until the process is finished. When it says "kernel32" what are the possible limitations? For example, will this not work on OS's that are 64 bit or Office versions that are 64 bit? Or should it work for both. Commented Sep 1, 2022 at 19:03 I am looking for a way to manually terminate the shell application from the VBA and not implement a wait until the user closes the application which is what this is doing. Main program Idea: start application; start que with max 10 active shell programs; wait for shell programs to Determine when a shelled process ends in VBA. Path & " /serial=" & Me. Wait until application. Make Excel VBA wait until operation is finished. I have This example shows how to start another process and wait for it to complete in VBA. 12. PrinterType = 1 Then exitCode = wsh. In this article. What is the best solution to shell to mplayer and wait till process ends with vb. exe <path>\myScript. hProcess, INFINITE) ' TEST proc. Something like: const DontWaitUntilFinished = false, ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true set oShell = WScript. So i want to synchronize the printing. hollering Registered User 本文内容. Shell」の「Run」を使います。具体的なVBAコードを使って、解説します。 Hi Friends, I have called a powershell script in my vba code using "Call shell (. exe") Beep 'this won't run until Notepad window is closed MsgBox "Done!" The VBA Shell function is a built-in function that allows you to run other applications or executable from within your VBA code. It seems that it works for a 64 bit OS, but not sure about a 64 bit Office version since I have not test bench for that at the moment. @user1934428 Shell is an inbuilt VBA command in all basics except VBScript. (A) Paste the following code wait命令介绍 wait [作业指示或进程号] 1. Hi! I am trying to create a macro, but I need to wait until query is refreshed before doing the copy to paste in the workbook . RoboticsPrint. exe). After the application is terminated, the script continues. Shell and Wait. ' ' TimeOutMs ' is the number of milliseconds to wait for the shell'd program to wait. 0. shell方法看上去没有提供这种机制,只有使用变通的方法了。 使用计时,等待几秒后检查一下SHELL的执行结果(结束标志文件),当然前提是SHELL是自己写的。 @HansPassant thanks for the direct reply. 0 のサンプルコード - VBレスキュー(花ちゃん) アプリケーション(自・他)関係のメニュー: 1.VB上から他の実行可能プログラム(EXE)を起動する Wait 50 '指定時間待つ、待機関数 を参照 Shell("cd C:\ & adb shell monkey -p com. I checked that it work if run macro in debug mode, anyone has idea what is wrong? Excel VBAで、別アプリケーションを起動する方法について、ご紹介します。アプリケーションの起動には、「Wscript. Description: Il est parfois utile d'attendre la fin d'exécution d'une commande Shell avant de poursuite le déroulement d'une macro. But i also launch macros that have only VBA code, and i would like to use the ExecCMD to wait for VBA code to finish as well, or place it in a process which wait for and only continue once it is finished. I want to wait till it finishes it's execution. I am using SendKeys to do stuff in process A then move to process B, then to process A then process B. H. wait but with some drawings opening in 3 seconds and others in 3 minutes I'm hoping for a better solution than waiting more than 3 minutes for each drawing. bat" ShellAndWait cmdLine, 1000, vbHide, PromptUser If ShellAndWait(cmdLine, 1000, vbHide VBA 使用Shell执行命令并等待它结束返回(三种不同的方法) Sub demo_Wait() ShellAndWait ("notepad. ". The Shell function works asynchronously so the function will not wait for the program to execute and VBA will continue executing code immediately after calling Shell. system -v 1", AppWinStyle. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback. The WScript object is only available if you're running under the Windows Scripting Host, if you're running under another script host, such as The script is setup to enter the data from a line in excel into the form and then delete that row in excel. pl c:\temp I am using the Shell and Wait code listed below. Call Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome. 方法三、如何确定 shell 进程何时结束(微软 Shell And Wait. 2. VBA: Shell() command to keep CMD after execution completes. Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")) Call Shell("notepad", vbNormalFocus) Therefore 5 I searched for threads containing "Shell Wait" and I have tried numerous techniques shown but nothing seems to work as the batch will not operate properly. Everything works fine, but if I do a "save as" and then run it in the new file, it does not work (at least I am pretty sure it is this portion of the VBA that is causing the issue). How can I make a VBS Script that doesn't wait for a process to finish? 6 I have made a macro in VBA to split PDF files into single pages. 0 AS&UX 2. Macintosh では、vbNormalFocus、vbMinimizedFocus VBA's Shell function is asynchronous, which is the problem that you are running into. Getting vba to wait before proceeding. avi -vfm dmo where mplayer is the exe file. -Also, I need it to also incorporate a shell and wait that will not continue to the next step of code until the shell has finished but to stop running after 3 minutes if the shell does not complete the task. Note: The Shell function In diesem Tutorial zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie mit den Funktionen Wait und Sleep den Code in VBA pausieren/verzögern können. It is a handy tool for automating tasks that require the use of external programs. Run command, ' ' Parameters: ' ShellCommand ' is the command text to pass to the Shell function. Mit dem VBA-Befehl Wait können wir den Aufruf des Shell-Befehls für eine bestimmte Zeit verzögern. exe") Else VBA Example of Shell Execute that waits for completion and returns exit code Raw. EXE", 1) ' Open Notepad. The process has to wait until the print job has been send. If you're getting errors like 'Variable is undefined: "WScript"' then you're probably not. Is there anything below that would be relevant to the action of a "save as" that is causing it to trip up? Dim wsh As Object Set wsh = VBA. Is there anything below that would be relevant to the action of a "save as" that is causing it to trip up? In diesem Artikel. We’ll use this method to wait until the process completes. 一定時間だけ処理を止めるには. TimeOut = 2. New posts Search forums Board Rules. Shell And Wait. In VBA, there are a few different ways to use a Shell. rynda\My Documents\Marta\Calling Files\_SFTP\Minacs. It then uses OpenProcess to get the new Shell Wait. With CreateObject("wScript. Wait "11:30:0" Then MsgBox "It's Time" End If End Sub. This parameter must include the file name extension; no default extension is assumed. I can use shell to call the exe, but how can I make excel wait before it continues on(to then loop and call the exe again) I am using the Shell and Wait code listed below. I strongly recommend you create a backup copy when working with the Wait or the Sleep command in Excel VBA. What is the difference between DoEvents and Wait? DoEvents and Wait are two different ways of managing the timing and flow of code execution in a program. VBA Shell and Wait with Exit Code. Getting VB to wait until Shell finishes 1. Wenn Ihre Prozedur auf das Ende des Shell 本帖最后由 Joe0nly 于 2016-4-4 13:56 编辑 vba. アプリケーションを起動し動作させる 《Shell・SendKeys・Wait》 2003/2007/2010/2013. hProcess is LongPtr ret& = Sub WaitTill11AM() If Application. See also. ) Example Usage: Sub demo_Wait() ShellAndWait ("notepad. [sourcecode language=”vb”] shell(“iexplorer”) shell(“cmd”) [/sourcecode] Please be reminded that we may need to execute in an indirect way I am using a shell and wait routine that looks like the following. run is completed. Using VBA SLEEP Command to Delay or Pause the Code. VBA Shell Function – Is there some way to hold the execution of the VB code until my shell command program finishes so that I get the correct state of the output file and not a previous state? 0&, 1&, _ NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, vbNullString, start, proc) ' Wait for the shelled application to finish: ret& = WaitForSingleObject(proc. Powershell to wait a macro to be executed in Excel. ps1", windowStyle, waitOnReturn MsgBox VBA ShellWait API 32 and 64 bit compatibility. In contrast, VBScript's Run method is much more flexible. Here is the VBA command to compile all modules Code: DoCmd. Shell") . How to wait for code to run before continuing. txt" Shell ("C:\Program Files (x86)\View and Rename PDF\viewAndRename. Can't understand why, if the shell function syntax in vba is: Public Function Shell( _ ByVal PathName As String, _ Optional ByVal Style As AppWinStyle = AppWinStyle. 16 '既存のプロセスオブジェクトのハンドルを取得(P665) Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long '指定のプロセスの終了コードを取得(P660) How to wait shell command until another one finishes. So how can I let the VBA wait until the ShellExecute has finished. So far, I've been satisfied with the following as the running Anyway, for some reason, the program isn't consistent anymore so I looked a bit more into a clean solution to wait for the shell process to stop. I am using a shell and wait routine that looks like the following. Another way to pause a delay of the VBA code is by using the SLEEP command. However I am How do I run a batch file and wait until it finishes with VBA? Maybe the batch files are from a legacy project, or maybe they’re a short-hand way to accomplish something without needing a scripting language like Python or Ruby — it We can use the VBA Wait command to delay calling the Shell command for a specific period of time. Shell") 'Run program with arguments and wait for the program to finish: If Me. It is easy enough to call it from VBA. One way is the Shell function which is built into VBA in the Interaction module. CreateObject("WScript. Is there a way to systematically tell Excel to proceed with the rest of the VBA code until after the shell has finish running? Could you have the BATCH create a file when it's Shell-and-Wait in VBA (Compact Edition) Sub ShellAndWait(pathFile As String) With CreateObject("WScript. It calls the Shell command, Opens the process, and then uses WaitForSingleObject to return when the shell'd program terminates. RunCommand acCmdCompileAllModules . avi movie2. Hide) If I get rid of the ampersand and just use: shell(adb shell monkey -p com. Location & " /print Re: [RESOLVED] Shell wait and exit Well, let me explain. dat") - this code has no issues and runs properly and I put in a manual wait I found this code to shell, wait and terminate an exe I need to run a command line like: mplayer -vfm ffmpeg movie1. Beim Ausführen der Shell-Funktion in einer Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)-Prozedur startet diese auf asynchrone Weise ein ausführbares Programm und gibt die Steuerung an die Prozedur zurück. tpbjqbtqqdftjkyjrxxhicvxwzhlizzdelrlfhrmulgwdpxomfnfpoeufypxgoimbhrdobriqtdn