Marvell 88e1512 linux driver. Marvell 88E1512 working in Linux but not u-boot.
Marvell 88e1512 linux driver In u-boot, ping does not work. Tags: Define. While performing Cyber Security tests using Achilles-box, we have found certain issues with IP Multicast Storm (generates identical, valid IP packets and multicasts them over the link at a specific rate) and UDP Broadcast Storm (generates identical, valid UDP Also pretty new to freeBSD in general, and the whole “adding drivers” thing is not really clear to me. The ADIN1300 has a Linux Driver available in the Linux mainline kernel. Marvell makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to any information contained in this I don’t think there is a device tree for 88E1512. Compute. 确保PHY 88E1512的硬件连接正确,并且已经被识别为一个网络设备。可以通过运行命令`ifconfig -a`来检查。 2. 2, 7. ARM-Linux. but we are having issues to establish 1Gbps link. 14。两路网口,eth0用RGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认111, eth1用SGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认001,88e1512的phy地址只能用0、1,(0也是mdio广播地址)。 Hi everybody We started using the Marvell 88e1512 PHY transceiver in one of our project and currently have an issue with the Ethernet connection not working properly. Document Conventions Marvell retains the right to make changes to this document at any time, with out notice. zynq平台 linux系统 phy 88e1512驱动配置_夏陌886的博客-爱代码爱编程 1:make menuconfig Device Drivers-> [*]Network device support -> [*]Ethernet driver support -> [*] Marvell devices [*] PHY Device support and Marvell 88E1512移植 - 蒲城小农 - 博客园 会员 We have a custom board with a XCZU28DR with a Marvell Alaska 88E1512. ethernet sfp1: PHY [f212a200. 14。两路网口,eth0用RGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认111, eth1用SGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认001,88e1512的phy地址只能用0、1,(0也是mdio广播地址)。 Alaska® FおよびAlaska Gファミリーのファースト・イーサネットおよびギガビット・イーサネット物理層(PHY)トランシーバは、イーサネット・アプリケーションの拡張を可能にするユニークでクラス最高の機能というマーベルの遺産に基づいて構築されている。. mdio-mii:01] driver [Marvell 88E1510] (irq=POLL) [ 271. Choose below: EMC; HPE; LENOVO; ORACLE; DELL; FUJITSU; IBM; [7. dts file should change for the 88E1512? I only see support for the 88E1510 in Marvell Linux Driver Source RPMs and Public Key Files. Baremetal Drivers and Libraries. trying to unbind from the i40e driver and bind to the marvell driver, but didn 网卡参数性能测试 网卡性能参数调试前的代码阅读工作 网络收包过程 网卡收包的步骤大概如下所示: (1)数据帧从网线到达网卡 (2)网卡通过DMA把数据帧送入到内核态内存(ring buffer) (3)硬件中断通知cpu有数据来了 (4)cpu响应硬件中断,随后发出软中断 (5)软中断处理,开始调用poll函数进行收包工作 (6)从 • Master detects a CONNECT bus state and starts enumeration. 2, becouse there is no driver support. 在 Zynq平台 上,如果要配置 Linux系统 中的 PHY 88E1512 驱动,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 215622] mvpp2 f2000000. 07-05 1482 The Alaska® Ultra 88E1111 Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver is a physical layer device for Ethernet 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 10BASE-T applications. 18. 201722] mvpp2 f2000000. But I can’t receive. jialu, This work would be handled by linux PHY framework. The device tree is only edited in attempt for u-boot ethernet to work. 网络变压器 m3295nl 然后通过rj45或者一个lan防水网口出来. 071994] mvpp2 f2000000. 04 this far and none detected the NIC. 2这时一个以太网交换模块设计框图,采用zynq实现,其中ps外接88e1512,pl外挂4路phy 88e1111实现,一个88e1111实现base-t、base-x的相互转换,具体可参考前一个博客2. As shown in the figure above, ETH2's working mode is RGMII to SGMII, SGMII is connected to the switching chip BCM5396. org > Forums > Linux Forums > Linux - Networking: 88e1512 problem with eth2 User Name: Remember Me? Password: Linux PHY [f212a200. 88e1512和88e1510是一个系列的phy,采用marvell的通用phy驱动,驱动源码路径:\u-boot\drivers\net\phy\marvell. I need to use both ethernet lines on single MDIO but one of them is attached Generic PHY Driver. XX XX Virtualized OS Host OS PF Driver Guest OS Guest OS VF Driver Linux RHEL 6. over to MEPA (the PHY API under MESA)? I have reviewed some intro documentation and the following helper patch to get started. 584563] Marvell 88E1510 ff0e0000. bin as per procedure. 框图版本:vivado2018. KX link can be achieved in any of the backplane images via auto-negotiation. Our setup looks as follows: Ethernet setup: OS: Linux 4. The 88E is setup on gem3 with MDIO in [PATCH net-next] net: phy: marvell: add SFP support for 88E1510 From: Ivan Bornyakov Date: Thu Aug 12 2021 - 10:23:32 EST Next message: Thomas Bogendoerfer: "Re: [PATCH v4 0/9] MIPS: Migrate pistachio to generic kernel" Previous message: Alexandru Elisei: "Re: [PATCH] irqchip/gic-v3: Fix priority comparison when non-secure priorities are used" Next Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly new Marvell calibrated resistor scheme will achieve and exceed the accuracy requirements of the IEEE 802. The 88E is setup on gem3 with MDIO in You mention the . 726497] macb ff0b0000. 以太网 官方自带的rgmii, 传言是2. I have a control board which integrates a nxp processor, a backplane and an Nvidia AGX Xavier module. 0 (4/1/2002) details that a PHYs using a ~2ns internal delay are referred to as RGMII-ID. Should I just change marvell. c,设备树配置为RGMII模式,查看芯片手 Hi,We have a custom board with a Zynq-100 using two Marvell 88e1512 PHYs for dual ethernet and have not been able to get eth1 up and running on xilinx-linux(eth0 works fine). marvell. The ADIN1300 linux driver detail is Linux kernel source tree. ethernet sfp1: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 76. 0 Ethernet Adapter · QL41132HLRJ 2x10GBASE-T Ethernet Adapter We use SDK 5_05_02 and want to integrate Marvell PHY 88E1512 in RGMII mode. But I couldn't find Describe the issue you are experiencing I have fitlet3 SBC with dual Marvell 88e1512 ethernet that don't work on bare metal install. Driver downloads for Marvell QLogic® Fibre Channel and Marvell FastLinQ® Ethernet adapters and controllers. Issue: I was able to complete the Linux boot-up but the ETH PHY was not detected. 1 pin到常数映射,主要要按照如下配置。1. Embedded Software Ecosystem. I tested the current debian netinstall, void-linux and ubuntu server 16. 1512 was released recently(2018) and there is no information about this, in the uboot's marvell. 174704] clocksource: Switched to clocksource dmtimer [ 3. The driver for this part exists only in newer kernels. AXI DMA Standalone Driver. 65\drivers\net\phy\marvell. I would like to connect the Xavier module mac80211 driver for the Marvell 88W8864 802. ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/sgmii link mode [ 15. When booted into Linux, the system can ping without any 本文详细介绍了Marvell 88E1512 PHY芯片在RGMII to SGMII模式下的配置步骤,包括驱动源码中的关键函数和寄存器设置。 通过设置不同寄存器值,实现从RGMII到SGMII的转换,并确保PHY工作在正确的模式下。 同时, Adapted for fiber link in * some Marvell's devices. HSIC interface can be accessible from Linux driver device node (/dev/m2m_drv_cfg) for master/ slave mode configuration. Marvell driver does not read any parameters from device tree. I have verified that I can read the OUI bits from the PHY registers using u-boot # ifup sfp1 [ 72. FEATURES • 10/100/1000BASE-T IEEE 802. I have a custom Arria 10 SoC board with a Marvell 88E1512 PHY attached to the HPS EMAC0 that I’m trying to get working with Linux. 736698] macb ff0b0000. Created Vivado 2019. Definition: mv88e1512_driver. 适用于 Marvell QLogic® 光纤通道和 Marvell FastLinQ® 以太网适配器和控制器的驱动程序下载。 Marvell ® Alaska 88E1512 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) transceiver . 3V supply; the device supports 1. But when using gem2 alone, the network port has no problem in uboot, but eth0 is not found in the kernel. liu. c driver file. ethernet eth0: Marvell's 88Q2110/88Q2112 single pair 100/1000BASE-T1 Ethernet PHY's are ideally suited for a wide range of in-vehicle automotive applications like Automotive infotainment systems, Advanced driver assist systems, Automotive diagnostics etc. 在Zynq平台上,如果要配置Linux系统中的PHY 88E1512驱动,可以按照以下步骤进行:1. Marvell 88E1512 working in Linux but not u-boot. What changes will be required if we change from physical address 1 and 2 to address 0. ethernet sfp1: Link is Up - 1Gbps On our platform we have connected Marvell 88E1512 Ethernet PHY to MCU_CPSW, Ethernet works fine for 10Mbps and 100Mbps link, but we are having issues to establish 1Gbps link. 9-rt4 kernel;. 4k次。1. The kernel boots and upon running dhcp (or ping with a static IP) - there are 0 RX Bytes reported. is a physical layer device containing a single Gigabit Ethernet transceiver. How is interface between "two Ethernet interfaces through Marvel 88e1512 PHY" in your design? We've two independent ethernet interfaces, one debug ehternet Base-T in my frontal board, and other ethernet Base-X in the backplane. What is the speed for both EC1 RGMII and EC2 RGMII? 3. 9-rt4 kernel; While performing Cyber Security tests using Achilles-box, we have found certain issues with IP Multicast Storm (generates identical, valid IP packets and multicasts them over the link at a specific rate) and UDP Broadcast Storm (generates identical, valid UDP void mv88e1512WritePhyReg(NetInterface *interface, uint8_t address, uint16_t data) Write PHY register. Added a device node sgmii Hi,Our Customized board with ZYNQ Ultrascale+ MPSoC xczu15eg-ffvb1156-1-e, and Ethernet PHY Marvell 88E1512. 9-rc using KDAB Codebrowser which provides IDE like features for browsing C, C++, Rust & Dart code in your browser [7. · QL41132HLCU 2x10GbE Ethernet Adapter · QL41132HQRJ 2x10GBASE-T OCP 3. I have looked at the signals stm32l011g4u7, 根据官方的参考代码魔改而来. I see that the driver exists in current (14) branch; You can view the stock availability, pricing, and product specifications for the Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 3 of Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) Version 2. SING+D22LE-PORT EEE GE PHY WITH Interface - Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers 88E1512-A0-NNP2I000 on Kynix and place an order online. 1 Kudo Reply. Choose below: EMC; HPE; LENOVO; ORACLE; DELL; FUJITSU; IBM; NETAPP; Hi @pvenugo ,. 3, a picoZed 7020 SoM board which has a Marvell 88e1512 Ethernet PHY inside. 14。两路网口,eth0用RGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认111, eth1用SGMII模式,20_18_2:0默认001,88e1512的phy地址只能用0、1,(0也是mdio广播地址)。 CPU用的是Armada-3720,内核版本是4. In u-boot, messages are as shown below Board: Xilinx ZynqMP DRAM: 2 GiB EL Level: EL2</p><p>Chip ID: zu15eg</p><p>MMC: mmc@ff170000: [ 11. 9/KVM RHEL 7. Intending to use Marvell Alaska 88E1512 Phy physical 1 with I am dealing with same problem. Debian 12 works (Debian 11 doesn't work), latest Ubuntu works Missing drivers or something? What oper The new Marvell calibrated resistor scheme will achieve and exceed the accuracy requirements of the IEEE • Advanced driver assist systems • Automotive diagnostics • Body electronics. But if we boot to linux means, we are not able to find any Ethernet connections. 183574] mvpp2 f2000000. MAC: Xilinx Zynqmp GEM. ethernet sfp1: configuring for phy/rgmii-id link mode # [ 76. Open Source Projects. The Supermicro site says this is an X722 + Marvell 88E1512, which from what I understand, means the CPU has the X722 controller built-in, but the Marvell chip sits 'on top' of that. To We have a custom board with a XCZU28DR with a Marvell Alaska 88E1512. MARVELL DRIVERS Marvell OEM Drivers. dts file will need to change, which specific . 我使用一片88E1512链接到ARM的PS部分,但是linux的boot中找到的配置文件并不包含此器件,不知道哪里可以找到LINUX系统下88E1512的配置文件,下列配置文件是否表示支持配置88E1512 This PHY exchange guide captures pertinent information to support migration from the Marvell 88E1512 to the Analog Devices ADIN1300 Ethernet PHY. c:239 在设备树(DTS)文件中添加PHY 88E1512描述,指定兼容性与地址,可能还需添加其他属性。 编译内核并加载设备树(DTB)文件至系统中,确保在系统启动后,驱动自动加载。 使用`ethtool -i eth0`检查驱动加载情况及PHY信息。 此步骤适用于Zynq平台配置Linux系统中 Can anyone provide a rough level effort for porting the 88E1512 portion of Marvell's Linux driver marvell. I can see my ping or dhcp request from wireshark, so I am indeed transmitting just fine. Linux. 171718] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. Public Driver Downloads; Product Security Center; BY TYPE. Configuring HSIC Master/ Slave Mode The HSIC can be configured as master/slave mode by the end-user application. c. Marvell continuously delivers the most advanced and complete PHY products to the infrastructure market. When booted into Linux, the system can ping without any issue. CXL; Data Processing Units; Security; Networking. With proper uninstalling inbuilt igb drivers from Linux and again installing igb drivers (provided link in previous reply), we were 文章浏览阅读5. petalinux修改设备数由于88e1111delay默认没有开启,需要在设备数里面开启其中一个88e1111实现base-t、base Marvell 88E1512 PHY loopback模式测试 Marvell 88E1111 linux driver. bhardwaj kotha Intellectual 270 points EDAC MC: Ver: 3. AXI CDMA Standalone Driver. Right This website contains Linux driver source RPMs (SRPMS) for QLogic Fibre Channel HBAs and FastLinQ Ethernet NICs & CNAs, along with public key files for Secure Boot environments. 显示 xavier本身可以接3路显示, 如官方载板的 Browse the source of linux v6. I have verified that I can read the OUI bits from the PHY registers using u-boot I am suspicious the uboot's 88E1512 driver. 081659] mvpp2 f2000000. CPU用的是Armada-3720,内核版本是4. 3. Hi, I'm working with petalinux 2018. 195224] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 3. The 88E1512P and 88E1514P devices have an integrated switching voltage regulator to generate all required voltages and can run off a single 3. 88E1512: 10/100/1000 BASE-T PHY Marvell 拥有从存储、云基础设施、物联网 (IoT)、 互联和多媒体的多元化产品组合,将完整的平台设计与业界领先的性能、安全性、可靠性和效率相结合。如需了解更多信息,包括 Marvell 的销售办事处和代表,请访问 Marvell 网站 www. Hi,We have a custom board with a Zynq-100 using two Marvell 88e1512 PHYs for dual ethernet and have not been able to get eth1 up and running on xilinx-linux(eth0 works fine). Marvell is not liable, in whole or in part, and the user will indemnify and hold Marvell harmless for any claim, damage, or other liability related to any such use of Marvell products. Title: Marvell® Brightlane 88EA1512 10/100/1000Mbs PHY Author: Marvell Subject: CPU用的是Armada-3720,内核版本是4. It can support Explore Ethernet PHYs. 886309] macb ff0b0000. mdio-mii:01] driver [Marvell 88E1510] (irq=POLL) [ 72. ethernet eth0: PHY [ff0b0000. 0. The 88E is setup on gem3 with MDIO in SGMII mode. 6? The official Xilinx u-boot repository. 1 block design and exported to petalinux and generated BOOT. But new uboot source(at the github) code includes the 1512's driver code in marvell. Download the latest Marvell drivers for your specific device or application. If i select the MDIO for eth0 in Vivado project, eth0 is attached right driver but eth1 is attached Generic PHY driver. 9, 7. 9. How to build mwlwifi with OpenWrt: 10. See the appropriate Adapter User’s Guide, Driver Install ReadMe’s, and Linux source code SPEC files for Marvell products are not authorized for use as critical components in medical devices, military systems, life or critical support devices, or related systems. you can define the parameter of Marvell 88E1512 in the driver by yourself, or you can refer to the newer version of driver that may already defined by someone else Marvell 88E1510/1518/1512/1514 数据手册与原理图资源 【下载地址】Marvell88E1510151815121514数据手册与原理图资源 本仓库提供了Marvell公司生产的88E1510、88E1518、88E1512和88E1514系列以太网PHY芯片的数据手册(Datasheet)和原理图。 这些资源对于开发人员在设计网络设备时非常有用,可以帮助他们更好地理解芯片的 I am using the Freescale P1010 Processor and Marvell 88E1512 PHY for Ethernet with Linux 3. 3 compliant • Supports GMII, TBI, reduced pin count GMII We started using the Marvell 88e1512 PHY transceiver in one of our project and currently have an issue with the Ethernet connection not working properly. Section 3. Contribute to torvalds/linux development by creating an account on GitHub. 0-xilinx-v2018. 1. [ 3. 适用于 Marvell FastLinQ® 以太网控制器、Marvell FastLinQ® 性能 NIC、Marvell LiquidIO® 智能 NIC 和 Marvell Aqtion® 系列适配器和控制器的支持资源 DOCUMENT LIBRARY RMA REQUESTS PRODUCT SAFETY MATRIX Contribute to antmicro/tx2-deep-learning-kit-bsp development by creating an account on GitHub. Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. The 1Gb Ethernet interface coming out from the SoM is connected directly to a KSZ9896C Ethernet Switch IC placed in my custom carrier board. MicroBlaze and MicroBlaze V. The device supports RGMII (Reduced pin count GMII for KX+ Marvell* 88E1512 2x1 GbE3 3. This website contains Linux driver source RPMs (SRPMS) for QLogic Fibre Channel HBAs and FastLinQ Ethernet NICs & CNAs, along with public key files for Secure Boot environments. This page contains driver, firmware and installers for Marvell FastLinQ QL41000 Series Open Industry Standard Ethernet adapters specific to HPE ProLiant Gen10 Plus servers. What is the correct device tree entry needed 硬件配置: 1. 17-20160601 had been modified to be built with latest backports package "compat-wireless-2016-01-10" without patches. 8V, 2. 主要是修改了初始化函数:m88e1510_config_init(),根据设备树中的 operating-mode 属性来判断PHY的工作模式,以此来写寄存器的值。 88e1512和88e1510是一个系列的phy,采用marvell的通用phy驱动,驱动源码路径:\u-boot\drivers\net\phy\marvell. Thx for the reply! The initial situation has some minor mistakes. Linux-RGMII PHY 88E1512 驱动调试记录 AM57xx\Linux-RT\kernel\Linux-RT-4. We have a custom board with a XCZU28DR with a Marvell Alaska 88E1512. Support - Select your product area for access to product-specific documentation, driver downloads, and support resources. Here is our modification of Linux device tree: &davinci_mdio Marvell 88E1510 k3-cpsw-mdio:00: attached PHY driver Zynq platform Linux system PHY 88E1512 driver configuration, Programmer Sought, 88E1512 and 88E1510 are a series of PHY, using Marvell's general PHY drive, driver source code: \ u-boot \ drivers \ net \ marvell. Please to be careful about that, avoid * to restore Copper page in other functions which * could break the behaviour for some fiber phy like * 88E1512. ethernet-ffffffff:00] driver [Marvell 88E1510] (irq=POLL) [ 11. 195791] IP idents hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes We using Marvell 88E1512 as external PHY device. We installed windows igb drivers, prowinx64 and Ethernet got working in windows. 1 GMAC(Gigabit Media Access Controller)千兆以太网交换接口实现网络接口 Linux kernel source tree. c,设备树配置为RGMII模式,查看芯片手册Page 18 – Register 20,配置工作模式为RGMII (System mode) to SGMII (Media mode)。 . c file only? Anyway I want to change 88E1512's mode on the uboot. 3 return loss specifications. . The ADIN1300 has compelling reasons for adoption versus this Linux Driver. The transceiver implements the Ethernet physical layer portion of the 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 10BASE-T standards. This reverts commit 431be621. ethernet-ffffffff: 00, irq = POLL) Linux ifconfig eth0. 4/KVM SLES 11 SP4/KVM SLES 12 SP3/KVM Linux i40e RHEL 6. ethernet-ffffffff: 00: attached PHY driver [Marvell 88E1510] (mii_bus: phy_addr = ff0e0000. 在Linux内核配置中,确保启用 zynq平台 Linux系统 phy 88e1512驱动配置. • SGMII to Copper (88E1512/88E1514 device only) • RGMII to Fiber/SGMII (88E1512 device only) • RGMII to Copper/Fiber/SGMII with Auto-Media Detect (88E1512 device only) • Copper to Fiber (1000BASE-X) (88E1512/88E1514) Four RGMII timing modes including integrated delays - This eliminates the need for adding trace delays on the PCB Hi, I'm working with petalinux 2018. 3 MAC: Xilinx Zynqmp GEM PHY: Marvell 88e1512 PHY setup: * RGMII with internal delays from PHY * Auto The Marvell legacy PHY transcievers make a large portfrolio of products ranging from Fast Ethernet, Alaska, and Aqrate PHYs that support an expansive range of speeds and enviornments. PL330 Standalone Driver. 在Linux内核配置中 Marvell's 88EA1512is a qualified automotive Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver that implements the Ethernet physical layer portion of the 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, and 10BASE-T standards. jialu WayneWWW April 26, 2019, 9:20am 4. Zynq-7000. 2 光纤连接;88e1111的TX与光笼TD连接,RX与光笼RD连接。软件配置: 2. PHY setup: * RGMII with internal delays from PHY 产品概览 Marvell ® Alaska 88E1510 和 88E1518 Gigabit 以太网 (GbE) 收发器是物理层设备,每个设备包含单个 Gigabit 以太网收发器。 这些收发器执行 1000BASE-T、100BASE-TX 和 10BASE-T 标准的以太网物理层部分相关要求。 除了在新一代启用的 MAC 上支持低功耗以太网 (EEE) 之外,这些产品还能通过整合 EEE 缓冲在旧版或 ESXi drivers versions for Marvell FastLinQ QL41xxx and QL45xxx adapters: In ESXi environment, Marvell® FastLinQ™ drivers for QL41xxx and QL45xxx Converged Network Adapters support NIC, FCoE, iSCSI and RoCE protocols. The 文章浏览阅读1. 4k次。本文详细介绍了Marvell 88E1111网卡的特性,包括其物理层设备支持的接口、节能模式和诊断功能。此外,还阐述了在Linux内核中的驱动配置,包括driver、kernel config、dts config以及PHY驱动的注册和初始化过程,解析了如何通过module_phy_driver()和stmmac_init_phy()等函数来管理和初始化PHY设备。 A subreddit for asking question about Linux and all things pertaining to it. PHY: Marvell 88e1512 . Marvell’s transceivers are utilized for a wide array of enterprise, carrier, small medium business, Dear All! I have three board setup according to the picture pasted below. 5V, and 3. 3V LVCMOS AM3351: Unable to ping marvell 88E1512. ethernet sfp1: configuring for phy/rgmii-id link mode # [ 272. The Linux varient is not using a device tree entry. LinuxQuestions. I’m using SBC PC that have Marvell 88E1512 phy lan controller, that is currently not detected under FreeBSD 13. 0 [ 3. 4 SLES 11 SP4 SLES 12 SP3 i40evf 88E1510/88E1518/88E1512/ 88E1514 Datasheet - Public Integrated 10/100/1000 Mbps Energy Efficient Ethernet Transceiver. Versal Adaptive SoCs. To summarize the problem, it appears that the mdio/phy/enet driver doesn't recognize the second PHY at address 1. com。 Hi, I am trying to install Linux on an old Netgear RNDX4210 NAS. Contribute to Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx development by creating an account on GitHub. I'm facing some problems with Ethernet interface, since sometimes it takes a lot of time to be up and working after Hi Team, We are using phy(88E1512) chip in ls2088a based custom board with sgmii interface. Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC. 11ac chip. Any suggestions? Thanks, Allen Rubis . What driver is used for the LS1043ARDB EC1 RGMII PHY addr: 1 and EC2 RGMII PHY addr: 2? 2. Please check the /sys/bus/mdio_bus/driver and see if there is any driver that is compatible with your PHY. 5g的?只扩了marvell的千兆phy: 88e1512, 和官方载板一样, 商业级的, 不过反倒不如工业级的88e1512-a0-nnp2i000好买. When using gem3 alone, the network port has no problem in uboot and kernel. 191472] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): sfp1: link Linux Prebuilt Images. */ if (phydev->link) return 0; /* If fiber Download Marvell drivers by Platform or Part Number for Marvell QLogic Fibre Channel HBA and Marvell FastLinQ Ethernet adapters and controllers. 14. */ static int marvell_config_aneg_fiber (struct phy_device *phydev) { int changed = 0; int err; u16 adv; if (phydev->autoneg != I am trying to install Linux on an old Netgear RNDX4210 NAS. Does anyone know of an implementation for kernel 2. I'm facing some problems with Ethernet interface, since sometimes it takes a lot of time to be up and working after I am using the Freescale P1010 Processor and Marvell 88E1512 PHY for Ethernet with Linux 3. whrefjifcrnoruxxgqfvhegzhcgytgeonaxytlmkkecxjzzhinspvbfspbutgvzhpvdopdj