Great western hospital consultant list. The Osprey Unit (Follow up appointments): 01793 604050.

Great western hospital consultant list Tel: 01793 604589 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm) Discover life-changing opportunities gwh. You will then be contacted within three working days to discuss and organise your on-going care. Departments starting with V Vascular surgery More in Great Western Hospital. Because all of the conditions we assess for will impact children in some way in different environments, it is important that information is provided from at least two settings. Add to list I have been practising as Consultant Medical Oncologist at the Great Western Hospital, Swindon since April 2013. Further information. Jon’s consultant medical career was at Oxford University Hospitals, where he was a specialist in Neuro-anaesthesia and Neuro-intensive care for over 25 years. We also run clinics at: Cirencester Hospital; Savernake Hospital; Fairford Hospital; Contact. Posted: 14/03/2025 15:15. Osprey Unit, Third Floor, Great Western Hospital. Salary. Search for consultants and hospitals Search. Home; Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Consultant Respiratory Physician; Co-authors. Consultant Connect is available for telephone advice and guidance (appropriate for the more urgent queries). Salt Way Centre: 01793 464246 Clinics Great Western Hospital Declarations of gifts and hospitality are recorded in the Register of Gifts and Hospitality, which is held at the Great Western Hospital. We support patients with suspected and confirmed Haematological Cancers (Blood Cancers). Discover life-changing opportunities gwh. Tel: 01793 604412 (Monday-Friday, 8. The Trust Board has overall responsibility for leading the Trust. You may see any one of our clinicians. 01793 604412 Treatments and services. I have recently been appointed at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon as a Hip/Knee & Revision Hip Surgeon, starting in August 2023. Following your appointment, we will send a letter back to your GP. 45pm. We provide care for a wide range of Gastro Intestinal conditions ranging from functional bowel disorders to more complex organic disease such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Gastro Intestinal cancers. nhs. £130 - £180 BMI The Ridgeway Hospital. Job The Great Western Hospital - a modern district general hospital providing emergency care, surgery, diagnostics, outpatient and day case services. View Malcolm Watters’ profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. The Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB. Tel: 01793 604252 or 01793 604253 Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 6BB. Our CQC rating. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Urology. We see individuals in one-to-one appointments in both the hospital and in some community locations. After your visit. £200 - £250 Follow Up Consultation. Waiting time information. Copies may be requested via a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The majority of orthopaedic clinics are held in the afternoon. Check contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for Back to Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. net. Tel: 01793 604820 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm) Third floor, Great Western Hospital. NHS website: Cancer; Macmillan Cancer Support website; Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Great Western Hospital GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING ULTRASOUND EXAMINATIONS Author: Julia Cherrill (Superintendent Sonographer) Revised: May 2020 Contributors: Consultant Radiologists Ratified by: Sarah Balchin (Head of Imaging) 2 Contents: Page: 2 Introduction symptoms not included in this list Not indicated unless exceptional Tell us if you need extra support. £200 Follow Up Consultation. Brighter Futures (Our charity) Help accessing Read 551 customer reviews of Great Western Hospital, one of the best Healthcare businesses at Marlborough Rd, Swindon, Swindon SN3 6BB United Kingdom. Research and innovation are integral parts of the NHS constitution and key enablers in driving improvements in clinical care. It can be viewed by prior arrangement with the Corporate Governance Department. They will discuss your care and treatment with you, and they will involve your parents at all times as well. Job Type: Permanent. Second floor, Great Western Hospital. from his previous role of Chief Information Officer across Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. Reception: 01793 604067 or 01793 604887. The passport allows patients to detail specialist and personal requirements related to their care. Check contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for The Great Western Hospital If it is necessary, we will make further appointments for and your partner to be reviewed by a consultant. Welcome to the EPMA training modules for staff at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. omfs@nhs. There is a consultant presence daily but full consultant WR are 2-3 times a week. He trained as a Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist at the major liver units in Newcastle and Birmingham and is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at the Great Western Hospital, Swindon. Mr Thorn, who has an MBBS from the University of London and an MD from the University of Leeds, is fellowship trained by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. • Consultant general surgeon, The Great Tell us if you need extra support. Brighter Futures (Our charity) Help accessing our services; Mr John E Grice MB BS MSc SEM FRCS (Tr & Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Swindon GMC Number 6103739 Mr Grice qualified from University College London Medical School in 2003, simultaneously to his busy International hockey career for England and Great Britain. The first stage in this process is to Register - please click here to Register. Consultants at Great Western Hospital * Information available to verified or subscribed users. The appointed candidates will join an exis Salary: £105504. Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road Swindon SN3 6BB. Please enter via the Eye Clinic. Andrew Tasker is a Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon based at Great Western Hospital and The Ridgeway Hospital. 01793 605174. General enquiries about injuries may be answered by consulting the Virtual Fracture Clinic. Hospital medical and dental staff. The information below relates to all patients on an elective waiting list. . Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) We provide laboratory and clinical services to the Great Western Hospital, local GPs and Swindon's Ridgeway Hospital, for NHS and private patients. I was the Royal College Tutor for the Trust from 2003 to 2010. Brighter Futures (Our charity) Help accessing our The Mental Health Liaison team is a nurse-led service providing assessment, advice and liaison for patients and relatives within the Great Western Hospital. Involvement in research brings a number of benefits to the Trust: RECOVERY Trial - PI in Great Western Hospital, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Brighter Futures (Our charity) Help accessing our services; News; Non-emergency care; Follow us. Contact department. Grade. your consultant or Cancer Nurse Specialist (CNS). If your job role is not listed below, contact gwh. Nurses: 01793 605430. Each one of our private patients helps us to improve the NHS care available to people in Swindon and nearby Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road, Swindon SN3 6BB: Tel: 01793 604020 Fax: 01793 604021 : HOSPITALS: *Consultant(s)* Anaesthesia (click for Special Interests) Official information from NHS about The Great Western Hospital including contact details, directions, opening hours and service/treatment details Clinics run in the Betjemen Centre, Cherwell and Wren Units. Facilities. Outpatient appointments: 01793 604914 or 01793 604915 Plaster room: 01793 604568 Treatment room: 01793 604569 Department Number; Patient enquiries: Please call the direct phone number listed in Wards and services. For the most up to date inform. Paediatrics. Reception and results: 01793 604293. A to Z. Newborn/neo-natal; 1 month to 3 years; 4 to 12 years; 13 to 17 years; Private Spire Parkway The main Orthotic clinics take place at the Great Western Hospital - Othopaedic Outpatients, ground floor A satellite paediatric clinic is also held at: Paediatric Therapy Dept Salt Way Centre Pearl Road Middleleaze Swindon SN5 5TD. Patients are referred to us by consultant doctors, GPs or other allied health professionals. Ground floor, Great Western Hospital Contact. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Departments and services. 20 February 2025. Contact. We have three family stay rooms for parents who are close to discharge, extremely unwell, or whose family's are 'out of area' in the first instance - please speak to your nurse for more information. Switchboard: 01793 604020. Elizabeth PRICE, Consultant | Cited by 7,042 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 179 publications | Contact Elizabeth PRICE Since 2009 I have been a consultant cardiologist working at The Great Western Hospital. Help and advice News and views Our data My list Email. A nurse may take some assessments prior to your consultation, including blood pressure, weight, and body mass index. Dr Hegde qualified from Poona University, India in 1995. How long will I have to wait? There are times when the department is very busy and because of the nature of the clinics, it may appear that some people are being seen before others. Phone. How the PHIN website can help you. We operate open visiting across the Trust. The cardiology team consists of six Consultant Cardiologists (listed below with subspecialty interests) supported by Registrars and a large multi-disciplinary team comprising Nurses Following a visit to the Emergency Department with an orthopaedic injury, your referral and x-rays will be reviewed by an orthopaedic consultant. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Consultant in Cellular Pathology. You can request a referral to psychology via your main contact within your cancer team e. net to discuss your training requirements. 2 3 GP REFERRAL HOTLINE 01793 646060 GP REFERRAL HOTLINE 01793 646060 FAX Referral letters may be faxed to our dedicated GP fax line on: 01793 646064 Great Western Hospital and our community healthcare services in Swindon. Orthopaedics. Ideally a confidential, pre-operative consultation should take place prior to admission to hospital, so that you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive information about the surgery, hopefully dispelling any preconceptions and allaying anxiety. Most clinics are held in the Women's Health Outpatients department, Second floor, Great Western Hospital. She is a keen advocate of empowering individuals to direct their own health trajectories. Learn more 286 Tell us if you need extra support. For patients where good vision cannot be achieved with conventional spectacles or contact lenses. Appointments. 00 to £139882. g. dept@nhs. New patient appointments ant Connect is available for telephone advice and guidance (appropriate for the more urgent queries). This is a Platinum consultant. Great Western Hospital, Swindon CONSULTANT DIRECTORY. Elizabeth Price is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Great Western Hospital in Swindon. Fourth floor, Great Western Hospital. You can be referred for emergencies such as: They will discuss with you the choice of consultant and location that you would prefer. Jon has previous experience in digital I was appointed as a consultant in T&O in Swindon, now at the Great Western Hospital, in October 2001, and have remained there since. 01793 604349 Waiting times; Description Waiting time Performance; Average waiting time from GP referral to treatment for this department. This includes all buildings, hospital grounds and car parks. Other contacts. Pay scheme. 15pm - 1. Top co-authors. I am clinical lead for oncology Awad SHAMALI, Consultant Upper GI and General Surgeon | Cited by 789 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 57 publications | Contact Awad SHAMALI A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Emergencies. She practices in all aspects of clinical rheumatology and holds general rheumatology clinics at both Great Western Hospital in Swindon and Savernake Hospital in Marlborough. hese outcomes will be crucial for the specialties to If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services. Consultant at The Great Western Hospital · Experience: The Great Western Hospital · Location: Swindon · 10 connections on LinkedIn. Professional experience • More than 35 years of experience • Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon, BMI The Ridgeway, Swindon (present) • Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon, Great Western Hospital, Swindon (present) • Consultant Surgeon Volunteer and Camp Leader for the Britain Nepal Otology Service (BRINOS) (2008 - present) • Associate Medical For patients who need to have a stoma as part of their treatment, we appreciate that this can be a very stressful time. the only reason i haven’t given 5 stars is admin did miss me off the consultant check up list and had to The referral will be triaged by nursing staff, to assess whether enough information has been provided. Ear, Nose and Throat. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Neurology. For the most up to date information regarding current specialties Great Western Hospital Great Western Hospital Switchboard 01793 604020 Maternity Great Western Hospital Switchboard 01793 604020 Orthopaedics First floor, Great Western Hospital. Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) - Ground floor, Great Western Hospital; Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) - Located within the MAU, Ground floor, Great Western Hospital; Contact Tel: 01793 605449. The Booking Centre (New patient appointments): 01793 604080. Location: Neurology Nurses office, Betjeman Centre, Ground Floor, Great Western Hospital The Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB. The Osprey Unit is an outpatient area that provides services for a number of specialties. The Board consists of: The Chair and our Non-executive Directors; Executive Directors Consultant Histopathologist at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust · Experience: Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust · Location: Swindon · 45 connections on LinkedIn. This appointment will take place at Great Western Hospital, or be offered via telephone or video call. Mental Health Liaison Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Great Western Referrals are accepted from a consultant, cancer specialist nurse or GP. There is good exposure to weekly hip revision surgery on the consultant’s lists and a great opportunity to discuss cases at the regional MDT, plan the cases and perform the cases under supervision or Consultant Dermatologist Great Western Hospital · The Great Western Hospital · Guy's, St Thomas' and King's College Hospitals · United Kingdom · 28 connections on LinkedIn. I was appointed and remain clinical lead for the Trauma Unit in 2011, and was departmental clinical lead from 2014 to 17. Anticoagulation; Biochemistry: 01793 So as well as your nurse caring for you, you will also be seen by a consultant. Surveys from patients about the care they received from Dr Elizabeth Price. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The Great Western Hospital operates a smoke-free policy, including e-cigarettes. The Wiltshire Fertility Centre is based in Dorcan This consultant has not added a description. Location. 9 min read 09/05/2024; Patient Feedback. Acute Cardiac Unit patients have a rest period between 1pm-3pm, patients are asked not to visit during this time. 30am to 5pm). View hospital First Consultation. Please complete and pass your EPMA training at least two working days before your first shift at the Trust. Book a demo today. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Orthopaedics. 7 Research Saiyed ANWER, Consultant | Cited by 18 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 3 publications | Contact Saiyed ANWER First floor, Great Western Hospital. The WR is generally split with the SpR (new patients are seen daily by the consultant). View Darko Lazic’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. If you have been referred by your GP, you can come to the department at a time that is convenient for you. We provide the following: A point of contact from diagnosis and throughout The Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Orthopaedics. New outpatient appointments and Booking Centre Dr Phil Peacock, Children's Emergency Consultant, has shared some tips on other children's services available in the local area - so that you don't always need to come to hospital: Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It's important for us to know when we've Explore Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust's employee directory to find accurate email addresses and contact information. It also helps to manage fatigue, and prevent falls. Email: gwh. Consultant Neurophysiologists: 01793 605114. The Great Western Dr. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Ear, Nose & Throat. epma@nhs. They will not be prioritised over someone already on that hospital's waiting list unless there is a clinical need. If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) David COLLINS, Consultant Rheumatologist | Cited by 824 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 84 publications | Contact David COLLINS Claire joined the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Board in April 2023. Consultant. I was elected to the Council of the British Heart Rhythm Society in 2019. Frequently asked questions. Date posted. Fracture clinics are held each weekday morning. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Ear, Nose and Throat. This service is provided by the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust. His practice includes key hole (arthroscopic), open and joint replacement (arthroplasty) surgery to the upper limb with specialist expertise in conditions affecting the Shoulder & Elbow. We offer an emergency service during the week (Monday to Friday, 8. Back to Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She trained in medicine at the University of Wales in Cardiff. View lindsay whittam’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Parkinson’s Nurse: 01793 646436. They're highly rated by Bupa customers and covered by all healthcare policies and schemes Great Western Hospital offers a live well with cancer programme to support people living with and beyond cancer. Balance / Dizziness; Ear; General ENT treatment; The Great Western Hospital Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6BB. Anuoluwapo OKE, Consultant | Cited by 19 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 8 publications | Contact Anuoluwapo OKE Consultant; Citations since 2017. Waiting times for individual treatments View performance data on Dr Omar Khan, a consultant specialising in Medical oncology. Low vision aids such as specialist spectacles, magnifiers, telescopes, electronic magnifiers, lighting and other non-optical methods to optimise the use of remaining vision are demonstrated and discussed. Our consultant cardiologists are supported by registrars and General Practitioners (GPs). Closing Date: 30/03/2025. An Orthosis will assist in reahabilitation and other treatments providing support, stability or We will ask you to take regular exercise at a level suitable for your own situation; it's important for your general good health, but also helps with your strength, flexibility, balance. Waleed ELSAYED, Clinical fellow | Cited by 3 | of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon | Read 1 publication | Contact Waleed ELSAYED *The department is closed between 1. Urology. Great Western Hospital: 01793 605089. 30am-5. The location will always be specified on the appointment letter. If you have a disability, sensory loss, Consultant Cardiology clinics. First floor, Great Western Hospital. Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Rheumatology. As a GP and Public Health Consultant Claire brings a holistic perspective in understanding needs of the changing demographic of our local communities. No information available. We also run group education sessions to help people self-manage. uk/jobs. 01793 604080. Tell us if you need extra support. Tel: 01793 604063. Visiting times. The Great Western Hospital. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer home visits but we can arrange to speak with you on the Third Floor, Great Western Hospital. Quick links. audiology. Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) / Audiology, Third floor, Great Western Hospital To be seen by a gastroenterology dietitian you will need a referral from your consultant or GP. Great Western Hospital and our community healthcare services in Swindon. Find reviews, ratings, directions, business hours, and book appointments online. We appreciate that coming to hospital can be stressful and upsetting, but we kindly ask you to please refrain from smoking and use alternative nicotine products while on our sites. Other hospital staff on the children's ward who may help to look after you are called nursery nurses, healthcare assistants, physiotherapists and dieticians. To improve care for patients with non-acute spinal cord injuries, we have a passport for patients to use throughout their hospital treatment. Clinic. View ben aslam’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Patients are invited to fill in the passport and take it to all hospital appointments. £105,504 to £139,882 a year Per Annum He privately practises at The Ridgeway Hospital and Shalbourne Private Healthcare while his NHS base is The Great Western Hospital. Tel: 01793 604250 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm) 1 of 8 Acute Cardiac Unit (ACU) 2 of 8 Cardiac Catheter Suite 3 of 8 Cardiac Physiology 4 of 8 Cardiology Outpatients An Orthotist is a clinician who will assess and prescribe orthoses to accommodate or maintain good positioning of bones and joints by helping to rest, protect or support you. Waiting time information is not applicable for patients on a cancer pathway. What to expect. Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road, Swindon SN3 6BB: Tel: 01793 604020 Fax: 01793 604021 Accident and Emergency (click for Special Interests) *Consultant(s)* Acute Medicine (click for Special Interests) *Consultant(s)* Anaesthesia (click for Special Interests) *Consultant(s)* Breast Surgery (click for Special Interests) *Consultant(s)* Hospitals will only offer to take forward a patient’s care if they can see them within four weeks. net Tel: 01793 604065 Text messaging service: 07825 049307. The department performs a wide range of X-ray examinations. If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can To help reduce anxiety and inconvenience of multiple hospital visits for our patients, we provide a one stop clinic for many conditions. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Urology. 00. The Osprey Unit (Follow up appointments): 01793 604050. The Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are looking to recruit a Consultant in Cellular Pathology. 00pm) Bookings are handled by the Booking Centre. consultant at the great western hospital · Experience: the great western hospital · Location: Swindon · 56 connections on LinkedIn. rjhgfe dwyxk rnkqrt njcpa sqqrxff wbi gjrlzh nonx negl jiq eltmi nfb kilvpb hsev pichmto

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