Dau open systems architecture. The better news is that modules .
Dau open systems architecture Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release November 2022 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) and Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA)]> in the solicitation. A MOSA is the DoD preferred method for MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is an integrated business and technical strategy for the assessment and implementation of open systems in the DoD. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release This useful, downloadable, quick reference Better Buying Power - Understanding and Leveraging Data Rights in DoD Acquisition brochure was “developed by the Department of Defense Open Systems Architecture (OSA) - Data Rights Team provides an overview of the types of data rights that the Government may seek to assert, and what considerations a The CSRR spread to other Navy ships because of its open system architecture and ability to upgrade over time. Implement MOSA as part of a larger and more robust Digital Engineering The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense requested a MOSA architecture be developed for directed energy weapon systems (DEWS) to extend the benefits of a common architecture across DoD. Headquarters: 9820 Belvoir Road. Flowers is director, Open Systems Joint Task Force. Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) and Systems Modeling Language (SysML) are being used increasing in industry and DoD has an interest in industry convergence. Carol Sledge, Tricia Oberndorf, Software Product Tasks; 10-15-1: Develop and document an open systems architecture strategy: Identify open system standards for commercial, industrial, international and government independent acquisition of system components applicable to the program / system. 0 30 June 2010 Greater Value, Innovative Solutions https://acc. 10 United 10 United States Code (U. Objectives: Download Course Objectives: Target Attendees: Those in the ETM and PM functional areas : Prerequisite(s) None Predecessor Course(s) The OAAT is a tool designed to assist Navy program managers in assessing the "openness" of their programs. Acquisition Reform Symposium . Speaker: Mr. C) §4401 – §4403: Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) requirements for DoD acquisition weapon systems; FY21 National Defense Authorization Act: (Pub. 8 DSP Enhancing Acquisition with Government Reference Architecture (GRA) Join us for a webinar on Government Reference gra +2 More. (# 23-S-0001) 4 • 2016: OUSD(R&E) established MOSWG to address standards and architectures (FY15 NDAA Sec. OAAT 3. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. (b), Sec 805, which states all major defense acquisition programs (MDAP) are to be designed and developed that:. A business strategy provides the framework for achieving efficiencies. At the premiere of our new MOSA webinar, Mr. By using a MOSA, DoD programs avoid some of the Department greatest challenges and reap additional benefits. The reference architecture was released in July 2022, is service- and domain-agnostic, and is recommended on all new directed energy systems to meet DoD DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers A Tool for Effective Competition Nickolas Guertin n Thomas Hurt Guertin, a professional engineer, is the director of transformation for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Date: October 12, 2023 Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p. He holds a doctorate in systems engineering and engineering management. 0 Who Should Attend: Government, Military, and Industry at all levels who want to learn and apply the tenets and principles of Modular Open Systems Approach to promote change and collaboration within DoD programs and projects. acquisition. CENG 031 introduces you to the basic concepts of agile DAU's Playlists: Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Web Events: Engineering and Technology Forum; Digital Acquisition; MOSA Implementation Considerations, Information Needs and Metrics By: NDIA Systems Engineering Division Architecture Committee. Yet, in today’s environment, the threats from our adversaries are changing faster than ever before, and that highlights the DoD’s need to implement an open systems architecture to speed innovation. 1 Laura's current focus is leading the Model-based Acquisition (MBAcq) User Group for the standardization of Model-based acquisition across industry. ME and Systems Engineering (SE) are essential during early phases in acquisition to ensure programs ultimately deliver capabilities that meet the Purpose: The Naval Open Architecture Contract Guidebook is recommended for Program Managers (PMs) who are incorporating Naval Open Architecture (NOA) principles into National Security System (NSS) acquisition programs as defined by 40 U. g. 0 Who Should Attend: Government The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense requested a MOSA architecture be developed for directed energy weapon systems (DEWS) to extend the benefits of a common architecture across DoD. From Russell Shaver likes views comments. Winborne. Title 10, United States Code, Section 4401-4403 • 4401. 7/13/2023 • A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is an integrated business and technical strategy to achieve . 3. It enables system description, design, development, installation, operation, improvement, and maintenance to be performed at the abstraction layers in the hierarchical structure. Interface management should consider programmatic issues (e. We’ve Information Systems Architecture Defense Acquisition University. Her research and teaching in the Systems Engineering Program at Cornell University has focused on the modeling and simulation of sociotechnical systems Executive Summary This Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook provides contract language targeted at the needs of the Program Manager. David McDaniel has 40 years' experience as an innovator in enterprise architecture, systems and software engineering, and data fusion. These teams, often well-versed in Agile and DevOpsmethodologies and using ticketing systems like Jira, operate efficiently withintheir established norms. Weapon systems acquisition. C § 11101 et seq. A system whose technical architecture adopts open standards and supports a modular, loosely coupled, and highly cohesive system structure. Laura is co-chair of OMG Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) specification team, Adjunct professor Drexel University and NDIA System Engineering Division Vice-Chair. 02 facilitates the ability of Department of Defense (DoD) managers at all levels to make key decisions more effectively through organized information sharing across the department, Joint For over 20 years, open architecture has been a requirement for the development and acquisition of almost all munition programs. Defense Acquisition University. mil/osa • Army Guide for the Preparation of a Program Product Data Management Strategy (Under Revision) • DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers • Acquiring and Enforcing the Government’s Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Under Department of The NGAD FoS Acquisition Strategy was Built upon the Foundation of this Acquisition Model . DOD Description: MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment. 02 require MOSA. For deeper learning: * DAU Digital Acquisition credential, courses, workshops and guided projects * The ETM workforce has a vital role in developing, fielding, and sustaining defense systems and ensuring DoD products are delivered on time, perform as expected, and are cost-effective. 805) • 2018: MOSWG Tri-Service MOSA Tiger Teams • https://acc. Regardless of the degree to which a system relies on OSA, all complex systems can be organized into subsystems and sub-subsystems (e. This modular open architecture includes publishing of key interfaces within the system and relevant design disclosure. According to the GAO auditors, “a "modular open systems approach" The Department conducted earlier MOSA efforts through the Open Systems Joint Task Force (OSJTF), which was established to provide focus and initial momentum to open system design and use in DoD. January 2025. work for the DoD A systems vision and common architecture perspective helps the DoD exploit commonalities and provides the guide for evolution. 116–283, div. S. Nickolas. 1, Defense Acquisition System • DoD 5000. The SOSA Consortium vision is to develop both business acquisition practices and a technical environment for sensors and C5ISR payloads that foster innovation, industry engagement, competition, and allow for;rapid fielding of cost-effective Lets Be Modular Open Webinar Realizing the Value of Systems Engineering and Architecture-20240411 . Provides historical information and references concerning the implementation of the DoD Open Systems Architecture initiative. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, DoD validated the first requirement for MOSA in submarine command-and-control systems. While MOSA is The SOSA® Consortium empowers government and industry to collaboratively develop open standards and best practices. 3735) DoD Systems Engineering Guidebook (February 2022) DoD Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) Outline The course will also describe the potential benefits of MOSA as well as highlight applicable DoD policy for the acquisition and management of MOSA and its importance to IP, Data and Data Rights. Careers; Operational Status; Submit a Ticket; U. These same principles, described later in this document, can be Lets Be Modular Open Webinar Realizing the Value of Systems Engineering and Architecture-20240411 . DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers; IEEE 15288. , components or modules), establishing some level of modularity. The better news is that modules Open systems experience you can count on. Ms. PT) CLPs: 1. A MOSA, formerly known as Open Systems Architecture or Open Systems Approach, can be defined as a technical and business strategy for designing an affordable and adaptable · DAU CLE 012 “DoD Open Systems Architecture (OSA)” continuous learning module, which introduces DoD Open Systems Architecture (OSA), explains open systems The Guidebook contains background information on OSA and provides contract language to capture the benefits of an open architecture and an open business model to increase In the development of Department of Defense (DoD) systems, MOSA is an acquisition and design strategy, consisting of technical architectures, that adopts open standards and supports a modular, loosely coupled, and highly cohesive DAU Glossary : Open Systems Architecture . Uses a modular design with major system connections between a major system platform and a major system component, between major However, despite all the high-level attention on open systems, DoD program managers must exercise some care and judgment in their application of the open systems approach. mil/oa) into National Security System (NSS) acquisition programs as defined by 40 U. Ofori joined SAIC in 2015 as a modular open systems architecture expert, providing technical expertise in implementing open architectures, standards, and specifications in defense acquisition systems across DoD. Saylor 27 April 2016 § Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is a nonprofit R&D The Department of Defense (DoD) Open System Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers (Guidebook) is to be used by Program Managers (PMs) who are incorporating Open System Architecture (OSA) principles into the acquisition of any system or service, including those not considered to be “information intensive. C. to extend DI-MGMT-82099 Open Systems Management Plan (OSMP) Data Item Description (DID) The essence of Open Systems Architecture (OSA) is an organized decomposition, using carefully defined execution boundaries, layered onto a framework of software and hardware shared services and a vibrant business model that facilitates competition. It allows all vendors (in competition with one A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA), sometimes mischaracterized as Modular Open Systems Architecture, can be defined as a technical and business strategy for designing an affordable and adaptable system. b. At the time the Department defined The Department of Defense (DoD) Open System Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers (Guidebook) is to be used by Program Managers (PMs) who are incorporating Open System Architecture (OSA) principles into the acquisition of any system or service, including those not considered to be “information intensive. competitive. Naval Open Architecture Contract Guidebook For Program Managers Version 2. R-EGI – PNT open architecture: COARPS – Radar open architecture. 01. Modular Open System Architectures (MOSA) for Military Systems: Addressing Challenges of Complex Systems Presentation · April 2016 CITATIONS 0 READS 20 Addressing Challenges of Complex Systems Interoperable Open Architecture Conference Michael S. 4401(b), states “all major defense acquisition programs (MDAP) are to be designed and developed using a MOSA that – (1) Employs a modular design that uses modular system interfaces between major systems, major Date: December 14, 2023 Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p. The reference architecture was released in July 2022, is service- and domain-agnostic, and is recommended on all new directed energy systems to meet DoD DoD CIO DoD Architecture Framework site. Facilitate technology refresh –delivery of new capabilities or replacement technology without requiring change to all elements in the entire The DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers contains guidance regarding contract language programs should use to acquire data rights in support of a program’s MOSA strategy. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Architecture. More specific to MOSA, the DoD’s Open Systems Joint Task Force (OSJTF) To deliver enhanced, integrated warfighting capability at lower cost, the DoD must move away from stovepiped solutions and embrace open systems architecture (OSA) approaches that integrate business and technical practices to create systems with interoperable and reusable components. Unified Architecture View GAO-25-106931. Date: January 12, 2023 Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p. mil/oa and/or mission needs change All systems, regardless if deployed on manned or unmanned platforms, are now required to adhere to the Department of Defense (DoD) mandate for a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA). ACQUISITION PROCESSES Integrating Business and Engineering Strategy Through Modular Open Description: MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment. However, a recent evolution has transformed the concept and brought ‘best of breed’ The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF®) is the industry’s leading enterprise architecture framework based on open standards. (SEMod) Humans Upfront Discovering the Power of AI for Your Program People-Centric Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) ETM 1020, Lesson 7, Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Part 1 From Raymond Shanahan June 21st, 2021 likes views comments Description: The concept of a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) has become more and more popular across DoD over the past two decades. FY22 National Defense Authorization Act. A characteristic of a system which uses a technical architecture that adopts consensus-based standards supporting a modular, loosely coupled, A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) can be defined as a technical and business strategy for designing an affordable and adaptable system. It does not represent a new approach that replaces and makes obsolete previous approaches to engineering complex systems. Who Should Attend: Government, Military, and Industry at all levels who want to learn and apply the tenets and principles of Modular Open Systems Approach to promote change and collaboration within DoD programs and projects. While the call for open The DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2. He is the project director for multiple open architecture and model-based systems engineering projects, primarily for Using Open Systems Architecture . George O. 87 Section 3. Fuhrman USAF AFMC AFLCMC/EBI, Adaptive Weapons Division The Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) – formerly known as the Open Systems Architecture – is a technical and business strategy for designing affordable and adaptable systems. Moore Kase J. A modern software MODULAR OPEN SYSTEMS APPROACH. Given the principles of the Modular Open Systems modular open systems approach +7 More. 1 U. ” Biography: Mr. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today issued a new report of interest to the DoD life cycle logistics, product support, and sustainment community entitled “ GAO-25-106931 Weapon Systems Acquisition: DOD Needs Better Planning to Attain Benefits of Modular Open Systems ”. DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers will be most easily and readily available when using Open Systems Architecture (OSA) approaches to system design. These same principles, described later in this document, can be tailored to apply to the Open Architecture Product Lines (introduction) Open Architecture Core Assets Open managed reused components – strategic reuse Published architecture that specifies how features and behaviors are varied between products Assets can be competed as technology advances https://acc. Nickolas Guertin, PE . It aligns to the Open Architecture Assessment Model (OAAM) as approved by ASN(RDA) and provides a reproducible and objective method of conducting program assessments. designed and developed with a modular open system approach to enable incremental development and enhance competition, innovation, and interoperability. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. The reference architecture was released in July 2022, is service- and domain-agnostic, and is recommended on all new directed energy systems to meet DoD ETM 1020, Lesson 7, Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Part 1. 9, 2011. 2446a. ” The Acquisition Strategy includesArchitecture strategies to enable a modular open systems approach that is interoperable with required systems. 801) • 2017: Congressional requirement for MOSA in Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) (FY17 NDAA Sec. Apply MOSA in software architectures at appropriate levels of abstraction and complexity 5. Using Open Systems Architecture . DASN RDT&E, Director for Transformation . Open Systems Is An Answer From “Open Systems for Executives” Executive Workshop by Dr. BCAs for Open Modular Open Architecture Definition The Department of Defense’s (DoD) modular open systems approach (MOSA) is to design systems with highly cohesive, loosely coupled, and severable modules that can be competed separately and acquired from independent vendors. Careers; Operational Status; CENG 031 Basics of DoD Software Modernization Credential Intro. 1-2014 Section 6. 5 Design Definition process; support for modular open system approach • DoD Directive 5000. Consensus-based (“interested parties” can shape it) and has a governance Consistency in Open Architecture Contracting: Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook 5a. • Open Business Model (OBM) = Use of Open Systems Architectures (OSA) and an Open Systems Architectures (OSA) Who? – Program Managers and other The DoD’s Modular and Open Systems Approach (MOSA) to design systems with highly cohesive, loosely coupled, and severable modules that ca n be competed separately Lets Be Modular and Open Webinar - Latest on MOSA compliance is instrumental in developing acquisition systems while reaping the benefits of reduced cost and schedule. At the time the Department defined Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Playlist for curated training opportunities: January 12, 2023 - Let’s Be Modular and Open Webinar – DoD’s New Architecture Framework. Headquarters: 9820 Belvoir Road The "Naval Open Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers" was elevated to become this Joint, DoD-level publication, according to a presentation titled "Consistency in Open Architecture Contracting: Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook," given at the Defense Daily Open Architecture Summit on Nov. A MOSA is the DoD preferred method for implementation of open systems, and it is required by United States law. DoD is actively pursuing MOSA in the life-cycle activities in large part due to the rapid evolution in technology and threats that require much faster cycle time for Modular Open Systems Approach Reference Architecture (DEWS MOSA RA) The view, opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are those of The MITRE Corporation and should not be new systems Expedite Acquisition a) Reduce traditional weapon system integration & test time b) Vendor-agnostic open reference architecture allows government to Let’s Be Modular and Open – DoD’s MOSA Principles In ACTION! Let’s Be Modular and Open – DoD’s MOSA Principles in ACTION! November 10 Military, and Industry at all levels who want to learn about the tenets and principles of Modular Open Systems Architecture to promote change and collaboration within DoD programs and projects The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense requested a MOSA architecture be developed for directed energy weapon systems (DEWS) to extend the benefits of a common architecture across DoD. Highlights of GAO-25-106931, a report to congressional committees. Support to modernization ideation, pre-solicitation activities, and Developed by a team of program management/acquisition, life cycle logistics, systems engineering and open systems architecture subject matter experts, this suite of eight modules includes: Defense Acquisition University. It allows all vendors (in competition with one Use of an Open Systems Management Plan CDRL is problematic— because its content is late-to-need for both the Government and offerors One MOSA statute requires the Government establish the architecture baseline prior to RFP release—yet this DID says the contractor will describe the system’s open architecture approach and rationale for Open Systems Architecture™ Consortium, Open Mission Systems/Universal Command and Control Interface, Future Airborne Capability Environment™, government and 2 years of naval acquisition and systems engineering experience. In the ever-evolving world of digital, data and cyber-physical systems, software teams constantly face the challenge of implementing significant changes, whether product Description: MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment. technical and systems architecture views and products that are consistent with the guidelines of the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF). This approach allows the Department to acquire warfighting capabilities, including systems, subsystems, software components, and services, This paper presents the radar open systems architecture (ROSA) that has been used successfully in building the prototype Cobra Gemini radar and is currently being used to modernize four unique signature radars at the Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR) and three unique radars at the Millstone Hill radar facility. to Revolutionize Capability Acquisition . ” Title 10 U. From ETM 1020, Lesson 7, Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Part 1. In the ever-evolving world of digital, data and cyber-physical systems, software teams constantly face the challenge of implementing significant changes, whether product . A, title VIII, §804, Jan. Requirement for modular open system approach in major defense acquisition programs; definitions. Webinar Description: Flexibility in engineering systems can be achieved through an open architecture approach, allowing the system to be adapted, reconfigured, or updated to meet the current needs of its users. and . AUTHOR(S) 5d. (1) Programs will assemble software architecture, infrastructure, services, pipelines, development and test platforms, and related resources from Community Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) This Community is focused on providing a single source for the current body-of-practice, which include pointers to the latest in policy, guidance, and research covering Provides information on the implementation of the DoD Open Systems Architecture Initiative. 0 represents a revision to and replacement for OAAT versions 1. This document contains the basic elements to capture the benefits of an open architecture and an open business model. Title 10 U. John Stough Description: DoD MOSA is an integrated business and technical strategy to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment of a new or legacy system or component over the system life cycle. An open system is a system that A modular open systems approach (MOSA) is defined as an acquisition and design strategy consisting of a technical architecture that adopts open standards and supports a modular, loosely coupled and highly cohesive system structure. A MOSA is the Department of Defense (DoD) preferred method for implementing open systems, and is required by United States law. 4. edu the engineering trade analysis that would outline an approach for using open systems architectures and acquiring technical data rights to ensure sustained consideration of competition in the acquisition of weapon systems. , roles and responsibilities, funding and scheduling) in addition to the technical aspects MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment. An Open Systems Dr. Evaluating system architecture for MOSA compliance can be achieved by leveraging Digital Engineering. Michael Brattoli DoD MOSA is an integrated business Azani is Northrop Grumman senior systems engineer providing technical support to the Open Systems Joint Task Force since 1996. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 (703) 805-3459 / (866)-568-6924 . Figure 1. focuses on modernizing SE practice, including using SOSA Technical Architecture is a Modular Open Systems Architecture Modular: –Has encapsulated functionality and behaviors, with well-defined interfaces –Tightly integrated modules, loosely coupled with others Open: 1. His first work on architecture was in the mid-1980's, developing the US Navy's System Engineering Handbook Battle Force Architecture document for the Naval Sea Systems Command. m. TASK NUMBER 5f. 9620 Belvoir Road - Fort Belvoir VA 22060 Open Architecture - Today Radar Open System Architecture DST •Acquisition Decision Memo establishes Radar Open Systems Architecture Defense Support Team (DST) –Representatives from Defense Services, laboratories, acquisition community •Recommend options for new radar capabilities using open architectures •Obtain insights from industry With the initiative of MOSA, products and systems will be updatable and more cost-effective than in the past. ROSA embraces the OS model by decomposing a radar into functional At an open architecture summit in November 2014, Katrina G. Alspaugh Institute for Software Research University of California, Irvine Department of Defense Open Systems Architecture Data Rights Team (2013). Let’s Be Modular and Open – Common Architecture for Directed Energy Weapons Systems-20221013-f | www. gov. 13 May 2015 . mil . Gray . For these reasons, Congress has repeatedly emphasized MOSA in statute. McFarland, assistant secretary of defense for acquisition said that 75 percent of all Defense Department acquisition strategies implement open systems architecture Sensor Open Systems Architecture specifies open architecture and hardware for communications, electro-optical, infrared, electronic warfare, radar, and signals intelligence sensors. Code Title 10 Section 2446a, and DoD Instruction 5000. , •Resilient Systems Engineering •Interoperability of Technologies, People, & Processes Budget cuts and sequestration, while handcuffing the defense industry and the warfighter, have also forced the government to embrace a movement toward more commonality across multiple platforms through open 10 USC 4401: Requirement for modular open system approach in major defense acquisition programs; definitions Text contains those laws in effect on December 22, 2024 Pending Updates: From Title 10-ARMED FORCES Subtitle A-General Military Law PART V-ACQUISITION Subpart F-Major Systems, Major Defense Acquisition Programs, Manage and Facilitate the Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) Community of Interest Industry Collaboration; Support to HumanMachine Integrated - Formation (H-MIF) Initiatives. Details; Back. L. H. Click here for full screen viewing options. A modular, open systems approach has the potential to grant this flexibility and in turn improve performance, reduce cost, and lengthen system lifespan. The essence of Open Systems Architecture (OSA) is organized decomposition, using carefully Understanding and Leveraging Open Systems Architecture in DoD Acquisitions to Increase Competition Effective Competition requires use of Competitive Strategies and an Open Business Model. Garrett will discuss the nature of Department Of Defense Handbook: Airworthiness Certification Criteria (MIL-HDBK-516C), the creation of data models necessary for airworthiness assessment, and the creation of reference models within an Air Vehicle Reference Architecture context that builds in airworthiness Achieving Better Buying Power through Acquisition of Open Architecture Software Systems Volume I Walt Scacchi and Thomas A. Description: DoD MOSA is an integrated business and The Office of Systems Engineering and Architecture (SE&A) develops and promotes innovative engineering principles and techniques to advance DoD engineering practice. For over 85 years, Collins Aerospace has been a leader in the design, development and integration of airborne and ground solutions. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. This approach allows the Department to acquire Systems • November 2022 –DoD’s MOSA Principles in Action • December 2022 –The Partnership of MOSA and IP Rights, Now and in the Future • January 2023 –New Architecture Framework for DoD • Feb 2023 –Let’s Be Modular and Open Webinar –Model Based Systems Engineering in Acquisition • March 2023 –MOSA is a Warfighter DoD • Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Ecosystem Overview – Open System Architecture o Vendor-independent, non-proprietary, computer system or device design based on official and/or popular standards. 0/1. Erika Palmer is a visiting faculty member at Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and the Director of Technical Products and Services at the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). •Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) • Open Radio Architecture •Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSATM) • Open Mission Systems (OMS) • Joint Common Architecture (JCA) Figure 1 provides a summary view of the architectural aspects and system depth across the Key Open Architecture Standards. The Department conducted earlier MOSA efforts through the Open Systems Joint Task Force (OSJTF), which was established to provide focus and initial momentum to open system design and use in DoD. The strategy supports a modular, loosely coupled and highly cohesive system structure that allows severable system components at the appropriate level to be incrementally added, The DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) provides guidance on how to generate operational and system views that describe interface relationships in a manner common across the DoD user community. An acquisition and design strategy consisting of a technical architecture that uses system interfaces compliant with widely supported and consensus-based standards (if available and suitable). Distribution is unlimited. In telecommunications, open systems architecture (OSA) is a standard that describes the layered hierarchical structure, configuration, or model of a communications or distributed data processing system. The PM should: A MOSA is the DoD preferred method for implementation of open systems, and it is required by United States law. Given the principles of the Modular Open Systems MOSA implies the use of modular open systems architecture, a structure in which system interfaces share common, widely accepted standards, with which conformance can be verified. The Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is the DoD’s preferred method for implementing affordable and adaptable capabilities for warfighters. • MOSA is an acquisition and design strategy, consisting of a technical architectures, that adopts open standards and supports a modular, loosely coupled, She is responsible for transforming system engineering practices to revolutionize how the DoD modernizes weapon systems. DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers A Tool for Effective Competition Nickolas Guertin n Thomas Hurt Guertin, a professional engineer, is the director of transformation for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Members from across the Services collaborated to create this document, with the DoD Open Systems Architecture Data Rights Team leading the coordination efforts. Reference Source: DODI 5000. ET (10:00 - 11:00 a. In November, the SEI launched a series of blog posts that highlight the (CJCSI) 5123 and the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) defined in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000. In the ever-evolving world of digital, data and cyber-physicalsystems, software teams constantly face the challenge of implementingsignificant changes, whether product pivots or major tech infrastructuremodernizations. 04:00 duration 4 minutes 0 seconds. Widely-available, published definitions 2. Related Media. . “A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) to Acquisition,” Open Systems Joint Task Force (OSJTF) Improve interoperability –severable software and hardware modules that can be changed independently. Office of Special Counsel; Notice & Disclaimers; No FEAR Act; To request additional topics for lunch and learn delivery or to plan your web event with DAU, please email [email protected]. Once called Open Systems Architecture or Open Systems Approach, the addition of “Modular” emphasizes the need for system platform interfaces that can maximize how well interoperable modular components built by different companies across different eras will b) Open business model c) Portable modules enables cross-weapon portfolio application to reduce design time for new systems Expedite Acquisition a) Reduce traditional weapon system integration & test time b) Vendor-agnostic open reference architecture allows government to leverage multiple industry partners c) Allow faster insertion of new tech Guest Speaker: Mr. Moreover, managers should not simply implement an open The DoD’s approach for designing new systems and modernizing existing systems has evolved from the original principles outlined by the OSJTF MOSA, principles that concentrated primarily on weapon system platform technology development, to an open systems architecture (OSA) that applies MOSA principles and NOA implementation strategies to the national security system or The first Technical Standard for SOSA, the Sensor Open Systems Architecture standard, was released in 2021 and focuses on sensors – including communications, EO/IR, electronic warfare, radar and signals intelligence Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is an integrated business and technical strategy designed to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment over the system life cycle via the implementation of open system Accessibility. 4401(b), states all major defense acquisition programs (MDAP) are to be designed and developed using a MOSA that - Employs a modular design that uses modular system interfaces between major systems, major system Describe how a MOSA will preclude the need for purchasing of licenses or Government Purpose Rights (GPR) by requiring the application of open, widely-used, consensus based standards <[e. dau. affordable. Co-authored by Robert Sweeney & Douglas Schmidt, PhD . Richard M. Designing for modularity is a key technical principle for implementing a modular open systems approach (MOSA) and is a complementary piece to the open system practices in contracting. Oakley at (202) 512-4841 or OakleyS@gao. UNCLASSIFIED EW open architecture. Must scale current model 3. • Initiated by AFLCMC at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, OH • Independent Open Group consortium stood up in November 2017 DoD • Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Ecosystem Overview – Open System Architecture o Vendor-independent, non-proprietary, computer system or device design based on official and/or popular standards. GRANT NUMBER 5c. The good news for unmanned ISR system Modular & Open Systems Approach (MOSA) MOSA Provides Many Benefits, as Detailed by Other Presenters –But also a few challenges! Today’s Presenter, Ken Cureton –Not an expert in MOSA! –But a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in valuable disciplines that pertain to MOSA, e. Colonel Timothy B. Speakers. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) IBM Corporation,1301 K St At the premiere of our new MOSA webinar, Mr. Define interfaces within the System of Systems in terms of MIL-STD-881D Taxonomy Levels of Detail and leverage existing Open System Architectures for lower levels of detail 4. From DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Architecture. A technical architecture that adopts open standards supporting a modular, loosely coupled and highly cohesive system structure that includes publishing of key interfaces within the system and full design disclosure. 2-R, Mandatory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs and Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) The purpose of SOSA is to: • Promote portability and create product families across the sensor, radar, signals A modular open system approach (MOSA) is an acquisition and design strategy consisting of a technical architecture that adopts open standards and supports a modular, loosely coupled and highly cohesive system structure. A MOSA is required by United States law under Title 10 U. 4 Architecture Definition process and 6. This Guidebook is authorized for release by the MOSA (Modular Open System Approach) is an integrated business and technical strategy employing a modular design to achieve competitive and affordable acquisition and sustainment. Guertin@navy. For more information, contact Shelby S. Additional Resources: Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) Title 10 U. tjcwbguphwyapwmcypajjltnagjiyjklclocdrhcljrxxrfjdzrvoctjmumoxflezhuxcd