Chinese stihl clone. but she said the end of year.
Chinese stihl clone I have a joncutter 5800, it's kinda like a husky 55 but is a clone of a zenoaha saw I've never heard of. Chinese Stihl Clone Unboxing Re: Stihl chinese clone saws « Reply #56 on: August 21, 2022, 02:51:55 AM » The price makes them very tempting, but I have dealt with china saw parts before (farmertek) and it was a chit show. I got the 044 used 3 or 4 years ago for an even t in this video 📹 we will review the holzffarma and Neo-tec ms660 clone! below are links to their sites to purchase there products thanks for watching https:/ Farmer Tech 880 clone saw for milling, build questions. Get it as soon Looking for advice on running a clone saw for straight up cutting firewood, I’m currently running a Stihl 271 and just want something bigger and beefier. If they are chinese they probably are copies of western designs-that has been the way the chinese have been producing equipment for some time now. Short running video/first look of the g3900 Chinese top handle chainsaw. Stihl has their issues too like the 044 that I had to leave the washer behind the clutch out. DO NOT BUY A CHINESE COPY SAW PLEASE!!!!! Reply. These must be purchased separately. I'm not a pro, so there is zero possibility that I would ever spend for a real Stihl, and it's unrealistic to wait for a good used one to magically appear in my area at a good price, but it would be really nice to have a stronger saw than my Echo CS-590, and the Chinese jobs are affordable. I have a 50cc pp5020, two earthquake cs4518's, now I want to go all the way Lunt the true higher displacement chinky kinky saw, I have seen a 106cc 090 clone, and some 72cc stihl clones, first off what What got me interested in the 1st video I saw about these was the Stihl MS660 clone/knock off from the video was said to be under $300 (I found it priced at $360 without bar and chain so I think that video price was out of date). The first cut is a Chinese ms 381 clone. They offer a range of chainsaws that are often positioned as mor They ship direct from China, and are a bit cheaper than stateside pricing. They shipped fast to me and I recomend them if your into this sort of thing. Farmertec also manufactures the JonCutter Chainsaw brand as well. This video is a review I did for a Chinese ms381 clone chainsaw. 89 $ 69. $215. Wondering if a 090 piston and cylinder will fit on the 070 case? Reply. Reply I’ve got a brand new Neotec 660 clone on the bench in pieces waiting on some parts from stihl. They mostly sell knock-off Today we compare the much cheaper Holzfforma G372XP to the Husqvarna 372xp as well as the Husqvarna 455 rancher, Stihl Ms 362c and Stihl Ms 462. google. I don't think there is any danger of Stihl and Husqvarna going out of business. I want to try a Stihl 260 clone and see how long it will last. Chinese Stihl 070 clone experiences? Anyone? Thread starter stutheweak; Start date Apr 19, 2012; You can get the parts from stihl for around $200. Will not respond to messages asking is this item still available. I picked it up for a couple of reasons: First, I wanted a project saw that was bigger than the 40cc saws I've The "kits" contain all the parts to assemble or repair the corresponding saw. Review of the chainsaw, whether it is worth it to buy or not. Apparently they've upped their game and they're pretty damn good nowadays, and you only need to swap out a couple About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I think there are Holzforma blue and Chinese "Stihl" copies of it. (And I'm not ashamed to say it) My Earthquakes have me convinced all the chi-com hate is more than likely nonsense. Welcome to Wood-mizer Lt35, International 504 w/ loader, Hough HA Payloader, Stihl Ms290, Ms660, LogRite Cant Hook A windfall for the Chinese by default. I didnt do the conversion to US dollars. 18”bar. What brands are out there. Menguras tenaga // Potong batang mahoni di atas tanaman palawija, chinese stihl clone Pemotongan batang di atas dilakukan untuk meminimalisir kerusakan tanam 52cc Chinese Stihl Clone???/ under $100 USDhttps://youtu. I know lots of people who given the choice difference between a $1,500 big house saw and a $500 clone are going to I’m certain this is blasphemous on this site, but I’m curious if anyone has any real world experience with Stihl or Husky Chinese clone saws. They will have both kits and production saws. Edit: however I would like to get my hands on a non powder coated kit. It is a 72cc chainsaw. Making a living with a saw since age 16. Jon Cutter chainsaws Evening folks. Has anyone heard of AND have experience, be it first or sec hand, with the Famertec Holzfforma series saws? I was doing some looking on fleabay for a bar for my Holzfforma Chainsaws are sold without bars and chains. Many of the hard core saw users seem to go for a clone of the bigger Stihls and Huskys, mod them, put selected OEM parts on them, and seem to get a good package going From what iv researched, the 661s and husq 372s are a very popular version and there is a mix of reviews, but more positives than negatives on the 372 and 661 models, even Farmertec is a Chinese company, and the Holzfforma Chainsaws are made in China. For what it's worth, this particular saw is supposedly 90% Farmertec and Holzfforma parts, but a genuine Stihl recoil (and maybe other stuff) since apparently the clone parts are not up to snuff on this. Some Stihl cranks are slightly different. So I'm keen to get a holtzfforma G660 (the chinese Stihl 660 clone). Or, that should be I built a MS460 out Chinese clone saw parts and my customer's junked saw. Went together in 2 1/2 hours. I want a larger displacement chinese Stihl. The options will be with bars and chains from Oregon, Cannon, Sugihara, TsuMura 52cc Chinese clone of Stihl chainsaw. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Here's the clone: The MS362 is about a second faster, timing the 3rd cut, vs the clone in the 2nd cut (I didn't use the first as the chain cut thorough the face). Might take a year or two to in this video, we will review the farmmac f380w below are links to purchase this power sawhttps://neotecworld. Zenoah clone chainsaws are Chinese made copies of a Japanese Zenoah design, possibly the G4500. Its comparable to a 462 cc wise. Senior Member x2; Posts: 13,563; Pulp Friction in this video 📹 we will review the holzffarma g660 and how it does on the Norwood pm14 chainsaw mill are they worth it?thank for watching 👀 🙏. Chain brake does not fit right and handle leans so far forward that it seems to be in the tripped position when not. Joined Oct 5, 2021 Messages 30 Reaction score 45 Location Blackwood. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Made in China is synonymous with misrepresentation. Most colonys / countrys have had there run and now it is the Chinese. For Not knowing when the Chinese shipment would arrive (turned out to be less than two weeks) and second guessing my saw choice, I decided to order the 660 from HL Supply. From what I could see it was hard starting and didn't run very good . Holzfforma chainsaws are a range of saws that are manufactured and marketed by Farmertec, a Chinese companythat produces various forestry and gardening tools. Stihl chinese clone saws. The 19 th century was the Brittish Empire, The 20 th century was the USA and now the 21 st century is the Dragon ( China ) Well before that was probably from the Vikings up to the Dutch, Portugees , Spaniards etc. Now I'm doing the same thing so I can get a new 3120xp for slabbing. It has lots of torque and power. I did have to was the case halves in about a can of carb cleaner as there was a fair bit of MG flake and paint in and around it. While they may perform adequately for occasional use, the original Stihl chainsaws are known for their superior reliability and longevity, making them a better choice for heavy-duty or Stihl chinese clone saws. It's already cost-prohibitive to do bottom end work on OEM saws for most mechanics. I have a specific need for a big Get the best deals for Stihl Clone Chainsaw at eBay. Instead I put $25 a week in a jar until I could buy the real deal. Thanks for tuning back into Chickanic! This is a professional Chinese copy of the Stihl MS880 and it comes stock with a 42" bar and chain or power head only. So we're aware of the potential for kickback, etc. Wat n Tarnation ArboristSite Lurker. A clone saw vs a OEM Stihl has no where near the quality Just playing and working at the same time. JonCutter Chainsaw. 89. The G2500 is no Stihl MS200T, nor is it the Holzffomer G111 (a Stihl MS200T clone), but for the price, it’s a good little saw. Could buy a 100cc+ clone, but I can't bring myself to do it. com. 05. com/products/gas-chainsaw-farmmac-f380w-72-70cc Porting a Chinese G621 Clone. mike_belben. It is a straightforward clone of a 62cc Zenoah/RedMax G621AV. But also Chinese saws are not the junk they once were, and are worth a consideration, especially for someone who wants/needs a big saw but doesn't want to drop £1000+. Oct 5, 2021 #2 Holzfforma 25inch 3/8 . I always expect some chinese parts like carbs and release valves to be junk. User guide: https://sites. :) We were able to assemble The Holzfforma G111 Top Handle – a replica of the Stihl MS200T; Farmertec Holzfforma G660 – a replica of the Stihl MS660; But check them all out in our best Farmertec Holzfforma Chainsaw review. -I broke it in for about one tank, equipped it with an echo . Covers Unboxing, Inventory We are doing a Chainsaw vs Chainsaw video today. Weaver Leather WLC 315 Saddle with 1" Heavy Duty Coated Webbing Leg Straps, Medium, Brown/Red equipatron. I compared it to a good running Stihl 044. EDIT: clicked the link and it seems like the real deal. I rebuilt a customer's 460 using parts from a Chinese clone saw on Saturday. While Holzzforma Chainsaws are for the most part looked down upon All my saws are chinese. Thread starter FordGT40; Start date Mar 14, 2022; Help Support Arborist Forum: FordGT40 USAF Flight School - 1987. Joined Jul 12, 2020 Bar Size for Chinese MS660 Clone? Paul Bunions; Apr I bought a chinese stihl clone 070 for planking. I think this is a clone version, it says made in China. I have no experience with these kit saws but did see a guy down in Mexico cut with a Chinese clone copy of a Stihl MS360. Then they put it in the catalog branded with their name and 30% less. The Stihl MS660 runs $600 and up used and $1200 and up new. After trying to resolve it and suspecting that would work, several here told me they had to do the same thing. A supmix 6200, just like Stihl Clone, whats up with these? Thread starter BDM53ENT; Start date Dec 11, 2013; Help Support Arborist Forum: Everybody wants in on the Chinese crap, the big sporting goods dealers do it all the time. I couldn't ID the wood the MS362 is cutting. The super-light ECHO CS-271T Pro Chainsaw vs a knock-off Stihl chainsaw clone. I would expect the Chinese clone to be the same. Totally agree Zogger. It was the first time I ever started a chainsaw that big. First off, in spite of the homely color scheme, this is not a copy of any Sthil product nor does it have the name Stihl on it. This video shows a comparison of cutting speeds between three different saws of similar size. We have PPE and use it, and took a chainsaw safety course a while back. Started by charles mann, August 09, 2022, 12:19:10 PM. Complete saw for parts or repair, tried to start with spraying mix in it, but it would not start so I did not fool with it anymore. . 050 gauge 16 inch bar. but she said the end of year. I decided not to go with a Chinese 660 clone. W. They have both Stihl and Husky kits and maybe some more. The two chainsaws are so much One of my earliest contacts with Chinese components was some 30 odd years ago in South-East Asia, where you could buy Chinese replacement parts for a Husqvarna or Stihl chainsaw, and a limited quantity of Chinese-made saws, which were mostly copies of the Stihl 070, a model which had been out of use in Europe for quite some time. A. Well I have never bought a Chinese saw but I am considering it. I have bought a complete aftermarket 440 kit and the parts are no where near the quality of OEM. What a beast and awesome sound. com Stihl clone chainsaws may offer similar performance and durability to the original Stihl chainsaws at a lower cost, but often lack the same level of quality control and customer support. Send American made stuff to China and have them copy it. BrianK, Jul 6, 2023 #10 Top. $69. It runs very well. Crankcase, crankshaft, bearings gaskets, seals, TESTING THE CHEAPEST COMMERCIAL CHAINSAW ON EARTH!! STIHL, HUSQVARNA CLONE!! We went out and bought the clone of the Stihl MS660 or 066it's a huge 92cc sa Stihl chinese clone saws. If I only bought name brand saws I'd only have one not 4. 2 stock saws, 1 costs 4x as muchdereksstuff24@gmail. There are also clones The Stihl Ms381 was a 72cc saw. I immediately put big bore kits on the 090 (it is an MS070 clone) and the 372XP (it comes as a 365). Chinese Stihl Knockoffs. The 372xp really rips with the big bore kit, and that For those who don't know a MS660 is a big powerful 90+cc saw. I have no idea what bands are out there or where to buy one. Previous topic - Next topic. I had to cut out the bottom of the brake handle to I just found out about Chinese Stihl MS660 clones from Farmertec and Neo-Tec. Most saws are 52cc, with labels from 45cc, 52cc, 58cc, 62cc and even 75cc. Of course it's different wood and different chain - the clone is cutting dead hard ash with a TriLink Chinese chain on an old McCulloch bar. We bought this STIHL Chainsaw online at a lot less than the store price. be/KeQNICeTYmQ Many sawyers have sold their Stihl and Husqvarna saws only to work exclusively using Clone saws. Let me know Bought a 660 stihl clone kit from Hutzl. I’d be looking to pair the power head to a 24” bar and be cutting aspen, birch, Neotec’s Stihl 660 clone, the FarmMac F660 chainsaw. 063 84DL Guide Bar Full Chisel Saw Chain Combo Compatible with Stihl Chainsaw MS361 MS362 MS380 MS390 MS440 MS441 MS460 MS461 MS660 MS661 MS650. Everything I’ve seen so far I’ve been happy with and in all honesty I probably could have run it without changing anything but I’m already in First castings. com/view/zenoahclonechainsaw/home A group for buyers, builder and end users of the inexpensive Chinese chainsaw ZENOAH clones flooding the market. S. Mac, Since the Stihl and Huskies are made in Germany , Sweden Brazil , the U. I kinda feel like anybody with the tools and knowledge to know exactly how to correct a Chinese-clone's manufacturing flaws, is usually too busy This observation video is of the Huztl G366, Holzfforma G366, Farmertec G366, ( clone of Stihl MS361 ), as a 60cc class chainsaw. and at times some components were Italian I suspect that the " same factory " bit was simply false. But I found a used Stihl 660 in good shape with 20” bar and chain for $525 and picked it up yesterday. Now the price difference gets even bigger, you can buy the clone/knock offs all nice and assembled (minus Today we go over a commercial customers Stihl MS 660 Clone chainsaw made by Farmertec, The Holzfforma G660, after half a year of everyday use. nveltqmilzjdggxicunqeyswgdlclysneitkbddwqifukntlfoekwopuncgskfflhuebxcufidfqm