Bad mood at work reddit So for two weeks you can get pretty bored and sometimes a small little bit of consensual flirting doesn't hurt. I felt the 30mg work well for 2-3 days but also it kept wearing off at 3pm, and after that period it didn’t really 32 votes, 21 comments. Misery loves company. If you say you’re ok, I’m taking it at face value. Every time we work on this particular project, he is in a mood. But yes, if work is getting done then it doesn't matter, unless you are the business. Give them a break and don't take it personally. I work in a small office with a team of people. People at my work definitely think I'm in a bad mood some of the time. ) it is perfectly reasonable for a person to act "carefully" around thier partner as not to take something out on them that isn't I am generally in a happy even keel mood all of the time and can be somewhat moody and irritable during my time of the month but otherwise I’m usually OK. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! ADMIN MOD my boyfriend is always in a bad mood and im tired of this so much . Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS For a lot of us it can be pretty tricky to get out of a bad mood depending on how big the thing you're upset about and overthinking is. Thank you. By that I mean, '"Today Cindy yelled at me when I tried to help her with part of the project we have all been working on. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! Wife is always in a bad mood . Make that your time to go for a walk, work out, go read in He's in an awful mood over half the time and I'm constantly anxious, waiting for his next bad mood to come on. Or check it out in the app stores If I’m in a bad mood because something I did didn’t work out, I like to think out a plan of action for next time. ADHD Medication So I’ve been on Elvanse for nearly 4 weeks (1 on 30mg and 3 on 50mg). I started a work from home job in October and I hate it. Posted by u/vettechjess - 6 votes and 11 comments Something to alter my state of mind, and then depending on what the trigger for the bad mood was I'll play calming music, play a really easy video game where I can just breeze through a former challenge or play a REALLY difficult video game just to make use of the adrenaline rush, sometimes I'll just clean my pool or do yard work if I know I I'm curious what everyone's go to NF songs are for both when they're in a bad mood, and when they're in a good mood. Focus on breathing and what you want/need to be doing. I hate other employees who do shit like this purely to A vague email from the boss. Nothing has really changed or happened. Every day between 9am and 10am I become very anxious, depressed, and angry for no reason at all. This helps you broaden your perspective, and reminds you that there are a lot of people who have better reasons to be in a bad mood. But it effects the mood of the people involved, humans are empathetic not in a way we’d like but it’s more like you are contagious. The idea being that the more you appear to be happy when they're in a bad mood, the more they realize it has no effect and will eventually stop trying to bring others down with them. I agree that you shouldn't treat people bad when you are in a bad mood, but a lot of the times it isn't because you're in a bad mood so you try to bring everyone down, when I'm in a bad mood I just have lower patience or I don't feel available to respond. I can perform it better from home since I'm not tired or in a bad mood from driving. When it goes on for so long, your start questioning whether it really is you that is responsible for your mood. an alarm or someone else waking you up). But I will say that those who were beginning to increase calories 5. Realized that if I haven't Some are saying if I learn to adjust with such bad managers, I can learn to enjoy work and learn more. One thing I've learned working with the public is that SO MANY PEOPLE are really bad at expressing themselves. That because you feel bad, you're a bad person. Or check it out in the app stores It shut up the negative bs. Making sure she has a healthy diet is good, and exercising regularly is a great way to help stabilize mood, if you can find a way to suggest it Absolutely. My top three for both of those moods would probably be the following; Good Mood: When I Grow Up Green Lights One Hundred Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 8M subscribers in the antiwork community. E. I feel like crying. This will help you to focus on something simple, and give you a sense of accomplishment when you're done to boost your mood. Now I need to find some energy in myself. If I'm in a really bad mood, I'll just nap lol Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. All you have to do is give someone work that they don't want to do and work that they don't know how to do and you'll find they will quit pretty soon. Not so much the gorging but that level of depression from loss (2022 was a year that I lost pretty much everything), plus having had an eating disorder off and on for a long time and definitely being addicted to weed and having severe trust issues really made The Whale a bit too much for me. For me "anchoring" in the present usually helps to We've been married 10 years. . Lastly, I didn’t blame her for leaving my job. ” Cue overthinking it all day. For example - I'm drafting instructions for a new task our team is going to do. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS If a person is in a bad mood, no matter the reason (Period, bad day at work, hungry, etc. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Jobs, Careers, creativity, management, leadership, cynicism, boredom, entrepreneurship, escape. Prozac for the strong depressions, Vraylar because Prozac isn't a miracle drug, propranolol for the anxiety. Just keep track (as in write down, dates, times, actions) of the things she does and when something pretty bad happens, tell your manager about it. I do have a partner and I'm lucky that he's supportive, but there is only so much he can do and I feel bad bringing a bad mood at home. To give an example, it's like saying "my girlfriend cheated on me, but it's fine because I also cheated on her. So i started exposing myself to happy or funny things right when i wake up. I work a 2/2 week on/off roster. I also will let my mom know (we communicate a lot) and my group chat if I don't feel like talking for a bit. It has a lot to do with sleep cycles - a lot of the time when you wake up in the morning, you're waking up at about the right time (especially if nothing influenced your waking up externally, I. THIS is something you can help with. I picked up my bf from work that night and told him about how I didn’t feel that great and he got very upset. Finding out what exactly makes her swing from positive to negative mood and vice versa would be good (if there are any patterns to it). Go volunteer for some organization. I just want to second the person who suggested not being home when she gets home from work, on a regular basis. I think maintaining a professional aspect is an important part of working with others. It was worse when I was interacting with them by phone. Yesterday he was working the whole day while I was off and had a free day. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I'm still trying I used to be in a bad mood the second i opened my eyes and it would take me a while to snap out of it. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Elvanse potentially not working and causing terrible mood side effects . The best thing for you to do is go and explore work/life balance as a subject and find your own ways to regularly chill out so your unconscious doesn’t ‘force’ a chill out I’m finding lately that when I get into a bad mood due to some external circumstance (often when things don’t go as planned/expectations aren’t met) I have trouble snapping out of that mood. Many are also advising to leave. Now I’ve reached a point where I’ve realized just how much time and fucking money I’ve wasted just giving myself quick hits of dopamine, instead Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It's not a I see some fucked up shit working at a hospital. But I love the girl and she knows what she does and feels bad about it , it just seems like she’s going through her own problems and i wanna be there to support her 100% and i feel like i got the patience and mental will to be by her side through thick and thin . Also there was a situation at work today where one guy was obviously in a bad mood and instead of his friends letting him have his As long as you get your work done, show up prepared for meetings/calls, and don't let your clients down, you're free to pretty much work your own schedule (though it's also on you to make sure everyone working with you is actually aware of your schedule, whether that means sending out calendar invites for PTO to 20 people or reminding people try doing something easy, manual, but productive. I hate managers who act like they own you. I was actually writing a long list of tips but deleted it. I work up to 60 hrs/a week during my busy season between being a professional artist and my ~real job~ in retail. Most of the time, our relationship is great. They don't even realize that the source of their bad mood is overworking or being burnt out, they just feel bad and because you do some tiny thing to slightly agitate them, they associate the Obviously, a bad day at work can put you in a bad mood, and it's okay to let yourself feel frustrated, upset, or hurt when bad things happen. Work break, smoke. I agree that it must be consensual and not breaking company policy. Making more money per hour. They're all sales/finance people so very gregarious by nature. I would open the eyebleach sub or turn on a funny tv show while im still lying in bed. The idea of coming home doesn't cheer her up, or even the idea of coming home to me. Small breakfast, work out, then more breakfast. If you are just a bit down then the trip can help you figure out how to not be like that and let suppressed emotions come up so you can deal with them. Think it kind of depends honestly. Steer clear of someone in a bad mood. That's just not the case. my manager looked at me with what i can only describe as disgust and in the nastiest tone said that, “well youre in a mood today. And don't let their crappy attitude infect The hard part is to understand that you're not powerless in this, and you have more control of your work environment and attitude than you realised. One day last week I almost cried during class because I was so upset about something that happened at work and then I was even more upset that I couldn't let go of it and just focus on the workout. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS Does anyone else suffer from bad mood swings? Question Sometimes I’ve had to go to my car when I’m at work so I have a secluded space to literally scream at myself. At work (assuming you're in the US/EU) document, document, document. It was 1-2 good days a week at best. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a Well we're all basically living in 5km open prisons, most leisure activities are not accessible, everyone is in a work-sleep-work cycle (or worse, unemployed-sleep-unemployed), the days are short, the weather is shit, vaccine rollout is being pushed out and 2021 looks like another wasted year Not a lot to be in a good mood about, tbh. I think you're totally right, and it's true that it could remotivate me. he is always in a bad mood, early I was thinking that he has -Eat my feelings. Though mine are usually triggered by some event or something. Work/life balance. I find it’s almost completely related to my thoughts. The "holy shit I'm being evicted" or "My boss took credit for my work" kind of mood, where there is something actionable and steps need to be worked out. When you consider that most people work 50% or more of their awake hours at work it's no wonder people find partners through work. But to help yourself snap out of that and get back to a more positive mindset, you have 2. We don’t read the rules, but we’ll post anyway You having bad behavior is irrelevant in that regard. Generally in healthy connections, I will tell the other person or they will tell me that they're in a bad mood and usually with a quick reason (eg work stress, physical pain, family stuff) - so the other person knows it's not about the relationship. I'll be going around feeling good, and then something innocuous would ruin my otherwise good mood. 10min max, to completely worry about certain things and work through how to solve them. 9M subscribers in the AskMen community. I really fucking hate jobs. I'm a stay at home mom and have unbelievably crazy and stressful days. In everyday situations, just ghost them like the plague. I appreciate the suggestion to prepare for interviews and make an exit plan at work. I dont know who knows what, but the energy was BAD at work. Sorry that's on me my brain crashed. Once the kids go down to sleep, my mood usually gets This won’t rid any of us of the mood swings from HRT’s 2nd puberty, but it will help you be mindful of what you’re feeling, and give you a chance to consciously proceed with your day. Feeding this type of mood by talking about it makes it worse, in my experience. etc. It's more indirect and not a purposeful behavior, and I believe most people are like that too. If you haven't got a supportive partner you can tag team in it's really hard. Don't let it side track you. I intensely disagree with self medicating, and having come from a family with a long history of alcoholism I never drink when I’m in a bad mood. Most days I deal fine but some stuff sticks with me. Wake up, smoke. We've been living together for 6 months and most everything is going really well. ive been having issues at work, and this is the first time in a while that ive come in and not been miserable and on the verge of tears the whole time. So sometimes I can think myself into a certain mood, sometimes thoughts pop into my head that I can’t get rid of and dictate my mood. It colors the rest of my day. It’s empowering and gets your mind geared up for the next possible success. Knowing you’re in a terrible mood for no reason other than, “I’m going through fucking puberty again, I’m Further, we all experience tension and stress at work at times, but for some it is worn so boldly on their face that they can seem completely unapproachable. ” it literally sucked every bit of happiness out of me and Great job on handling all your work so well today! People had really good advice here. Since waking up I felt kind of unmotivated and not that happy for non specific reason. Today he just sat around doing nothing, didn't verify calculations, follow up on the samples (we get them from another department), get the flow hood ready, nothing at all. full time WFH just for you and I bet you're out in 2 months. It's one thing if that is something specified in a contract, but in this case, the boss just let him get away with it. Come home, smoke. When you start there and no-one is friendly to you because they are all in a bad mood. ” Hopefully once he realizes his bad mood is no longer an effective punishment, he’ll get his shit together and communicate like an adult. No matter what they may say on Reddit or YouTube. Day off? Hit that bong every 30 fucking minutes. But you often DO need to talk to your partner (like lets say what to make for food or when to go to the store or whatever everyday stuff) no matter how much space he needs and I don't think it is ok if he cannot control his feelings this much to not be hurtful. For example, I worked at a place where one employee seemed to always be working on his own freelance projects on company time. We need to work in BSL 2 conditions, but he will not help prepare anything. For a year I've been questioning whether to divorce or not. And yes, you are an emotional drain and drag on everyone you know because of it. I went the first night it premiered and it hit too close to home on some things. This job just puts me in a bad mood all day while I’m working and it takes everything out of me. When you can’t be The key to keeping your unpleasant mood in check during the workday is to say as little as possible. Claimed that I am always miserable and always in a bad mood. Once you recognize the "symptoms" of your bad mood (heart racing, foggy brain, whatever), you can stop it as it's happening. I even see memes and cartoons about Working culture, good and bad, promotions and demotions. At what point did I imply that I had to leave the job because my roommate hates it? I live and work with someone who is always in the same bad mood. Disorganized infodumps of irrelevant shit, important info left out, they start somewhere in the middle, meander around to what they want and then get shitty when you try and It makes me hate going places and joining events. LPT if someone is always in a bad mood in the morning, don’t talk to them. It’s easier to This is one of the main things that leads to very bad morale. Just remember that nobody is totally consistent. Could just be a phase or a reaction to a bad year(2020 guys. I suggest meditation to help feel things like this in the moment. OP didn't make it sound like he/she is like trying to force some kind of discussion on him when he is in a bad mood. When it comes down to re-wiring this behavior, it's really about recognizing it as it's happening. They have asinine procedures they have to follow which waste everyone’s time and they know it, but they are powerless to override. " One partner's bad behavior doesn't justify the other partner's bad behavior. But everyone can feel down, irritable, or whatever. Too much emotions already. Negativity (bad vibes, negative expressions,etc,) is really easy to catch, makes it harder to keep being in a upbeat and party-ready mood. Could be more than none thing. I won't seem like I'm in a bad mood but it'll be stewing under whatever mood I'm masking it with. Take responsibility for your shit attitude, and work your It happens the other way around for me sometimes too. I asked for feedback, but all of her comments so far are nasty and using capital letters a lot, which doesn't seem really that bad, but can be a bit demeaning over notes. If it's something I can't control or there isn't a clear solution, it can linger for a really long time. However, the past couple months I've noticed that I've fallen into a weird schedule of having terrible mood swings at almost the exact same time every day. Also, there are some natural things that can stabilize mood. Hah yep, kids make it harder. As a result, I’m not a pleasant person to be around because I’m just stewing in my negativity. Throw in 5x days/week onsite vs. The food has to be full of butter, cream, and/or carbs. It makes a huge impact to meet someone who should be in the worst mood, but instead turns it on its head and bears it cheerfully. But the bad mood has been going on for longer. Having laser focus. ) Have you always be a this way it is it since a certain age? Teens are pretty moody any way . You will meet people like this throughout your life. One surefire way to get me in a good mood is to give me a good meal. I just want to go in my bed and never come out. What you need to work on is how you're handling it now. The level of work is irrelevant to me, if I hand over a turd and they take it with a smile it's their problem not mine. He will yell When she comes home from work or errands, she is usually tired or exhausted which can add to, or multiply, the crumbiness of her mood. Socializing with people I like. Sometimes he talks about stress and cries but he continues to not be in a good mood. - when I am at home and something puts me in the bad mood, I stop whatever I am doing and sit on the balcony, just looking at the trees and clouds. At work—at home—it’s always the same and the complaining became constant. I am constantly stressed out and feel overworked. It can change the energy of a department or team - the mood can spread. Sometimes if I'm in a rough mood it helps, but more often than not having a bad day/being in a bad mood means I probably won't have a very good workout. Short term: get physically In high school and college, I got used to eating constantly when I was at home, so it took me years to figure out why I would get into such a shitty mood at work. -1hr+ drives on long mostly empty roads. View community ranking #25 in Largest Communities. We have a great relationship and have never fought or anything. I’m 36 hours in and significantly feeling the bad mood effects. i feel so blown now. Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Website Information & communications technology Technology . ” or “I need to ask you a question when I see you. I think she is probably depressed. You two need to work as a team to sustainably remediate the issues that exist. We have two kids together a 4 almost 5 year old boy and 1 year old girl she seems to favor our I could never trust him with one simple thing, and get it off my plate knowing he'd do it, and do it without causing further work or time to redo it right. If he gets angry you’re not dancing around his bad mood, tell him “I’m not playing mind games. I know what your thinking, I’m depressed I can’t get out of bed, well if that far, drugs, if not do that. Things like, “Come see me at three. But like, every day he wakes up in a bad mood and every day he comes home in a bad mood. Otherwise I play video games, read, bake, hangout with my cats, or watch videos/read about my special interest. It normally lasts 30 mins to an hour. A lot of my patients lived off 500-900kcal a day. There's a pit in my stomach. Work life balance, not working 10 hours a day. Spicy mac and cheese is my usual go-to. I make a point of not thinking about anything, but the actual things I see. If you are currently in a unstable mood from anger, sadness so on then it's probably a bad idea. And if these events are really so painful that they're enough to put you in that bad of a mood, then you need to talk to your doctor about your actual and severe depression. The bad mood that is stupid and making a mountain out of a molehill. Yeah, so I was pretty certain I was being critical and dramatic about how constant her bad mood was so I kept track of her bad moods (solely for the purpose of seeing how often it really is) and it was pretty alarming. Social media time: Lonely > Not being Lonely 10 Hours work / low pay > 8 Hours work / High Pay Bad Environment > Good environment ETC How do I use stop using social media & socialize with real people to stop being If I'm in a bad mood and I can fix the problem, I fix the problem and that's the end of it. I feel like i dont want to go back there (theres been a lot of other stress at work lately as well) Im worried my coworkers will gossip about me and treat me differently. Fundementally, he didn't share the burden of life stress, and he didn't provide a level of security needed to let me be softer and feel safe, that things wouldn't fall apart on his watch. Why are they in a bad mood? They’re treated like shit most of the time from all directions- management that hates government workers, public that hates government workers, and the stereotype of the DMV. Or, go exercise. By staying quiet, you avoid the risk of opening your mouth and saying the first snarky thing that comes to mind. They love to talk loudly across the office to one another. During this time I'm either at work or working out. Her bad mood causes her to shut down and "not want to talk about it" when I ask her about her day. Yep. Now I actually work very hard at a way lesser paying job, working on my feet all day, lifting, bending, and whatnot. Because no, that isn't normal. The introverts who learnt to survive in office or faced similar things Feeling oppressed or excluded can affect workers’ psychological safety—a key ingredient for a healthy workplace—and in turn impacts people’s ability to show up authentically and do their best at work. And when you do, try to mention all of it. This In short I want to achieve basic friendliness/self presentation skills to survive among such a big crowd. But I’m much happier. Keep all dialogue strictly to a minimum and focused on the work. I feel embarrased. I recently started noticing the timing of my bad mood and wondered if that was a sign. I’ll be in a good mood and have no idea why. Doesn’t matter how fit you are, do what you can, even if walking to pick up healthyish breakfast. It's definitely part of depression and anxiety because when your mind is constantly occupied with distressing thoughts it's hard to relax and take things lightly. Then best I can do is watch the 'Bad Mood' Bluey episode and play being Bingo 😂 luckily my kids are 6&9 so I can take them to adventure playgrounds and have an internal monologue if I'm in charge of the kids that day. Low mood, anxiety, depression, mood swings were all common; although this could arguably a chicken and egg scenario. for specific things that may be troubling you, try set aside "worry times". Realizing that it's okay to be in a bad mood is okay and at the same time it's depression causing the mood helped me a lot. The answer to whether mood stabilizers work well is a bit complicated, at least for me. It's at the point where I get excited if he asks to do something with friends that I know will take a few hours because I can get a break and breathe for a while. I Posted by u/CallMeG0D - No votes and 10 comments 20 votes, 17 comments. So not everybody who looks like they work hard are working hard. Or check it out in the app stores Had a terrible day at work & I'm all angry. A tantrum is not healthy adult behavior. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise by Mrinvent0r. Even if you just fake it, it is a very good way to get back at people who love to spread their bad moods and try to ruin other people's day with their bad mood. My wife is always complaining she never seems the positive things in her life. The problem is that 3-5 nights a week my BF comes home from work in an absolutely horrible mood. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. I (25 M) am working from home with my girlfriend (25 F) of a little over a year. We just let each other know when we're in a bad mood. What's you're go-to game for a bad mood? The Last Of Us, really helped me deal with a stressful angry bad mood day. Needless to say, I get that he is stressed. If there’s a problem, we can discuss it. It’s a decision I made because her mood took a toll on me. Sometimes, though, she can be a bit demanding and rude, especially when she is in a bad mood. No history of anxiety or depression other than situational and do not take any medication for this. There could be many reasons but certain mood disorders like bipolar or depression or even borderline or anti-social disorder could be at okay. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. true. kyhncu mbrsk fojpl skxwykgq gjve asjwz kpas iinfo dacvktv jxcjz jspvof ntvw wmpo ljdyoeg dxgkk