Ar to wiird. Load then save your game 3.

Ar to wiird Can someone explain in depth what steps I have to take to convert 13-digit alphanumerical (A2C4-E6G8-I0K2 style) AR codes to 16-digit hexadecimal Wii-compatible Ocarina codes (01234567-89ABCDEF) that can be used with DIOS MIOS, loading with CFG USB Loader? I used GCNcrypt to get 16-digit codes You would need a 3rd party mem card (for gcmm) with 52 block for EUR, and 30 for PAL if you get the newest AR codes. Codes are set in the gct in the same order they're checked. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Since we are on the topic of cheat codes, there is one code I'm having trouble with. No blank lines are allowed at the end of the file. 48000000 8047D46C DE000000 80008180 12000570 0000001E 040C011C 38000000 E0000000 80008000 Original by GCN AR WiiRd forum > Wii & Gamecube Hacking > Gamecube Cheat codes (For WiiRD / GeckoOS) Topic you have posted in Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies) Locked Topic Sticky Topic Poll Though I was wondering whether it would be possible to have the AR/Wiird code for activating the PRS decompression to read downloadable quests from the memory card become available as an ISO patch? I can't seem to get it to work by inputting the Wiird/Gecko code into Code Manager, and use the . AR codes have to ノズル変更コードは、「GCNcrypt」を使用して複合化し、それを 「AR to WiiRd」というアプリを使用して変換したものを、私がコードの行数を短くしました。 ちなみにGCNcryptは↓のページの、 「Download」をクリックするとダウンロードできます。 Child Boards: Testing area Test unfinished codes here. If you decrypted the code with GCNcrypt first you need to check the "Each code has a verifier line. Copy from the right box Open ARtoWiiRD from that package. 2 aspect ratio), and I already modified codes for TLoZ:WW and TP, using a IEEE-754 Floating Point Converter, and it was easy tbh. ) *Party Pokemon 1 is XD Shadow(Reclaimer Shawn) 48000000 80444D58 DE000000 80008180 120000EA 00000049 E2000001 80008000 WiiRd forum: March 19, 2025, 07:29:27 PM: Welcome, Guest. Copy and paste the AR code(s) you want into the left box with their names included (or changed by you) and decrypt it. This is extremely wishful thinking and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but can you directly convert GameCube Action Replay codes to Wii Gecko codes? Specifically I'm talking about the Metroid Prime Trilogy. gct format by using Wiicm or CheatManager. Shadow Practice Codes (WiiRD / Gecko) 2. Start the "AR to WiiRD. Newbie Karma: 0 Posts: 1 lol. jar", copy your code into the left box and click convert code types. . proboards. jar」をダブルクリックで起動。 ・左側に変換したいPARコードをコピー&ペースト ・下の「Convert CodeTypes」をクリックで右側に変換されたコードが表示されます。 The only compiled collection I could find was for Pal games, and i'm having a ton of trouble converting geck and AR codes to wiird. GeckoCodes. Click Convert Code Types. Post Cancel. 0 stars. kesterstudios Posts: 138 Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:00 am. 02 TB. 1. Downloads Wiird . Comment. Wiicm employs blank lines/carriage returns No WiiRD CodeType for GCN AR CodeType- Increment. Login with username WiiRD and USB Gecko can search and use Gamecube and Wii game codes. io Wii Hacker's Database. - No AR disc needed. Re: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter « Reply #46 on: June 13, 2010, 11:59:42 AM WiiRD Hackers: List All Known Join the Known. the cheat engine I am using is the one built into Swiss GC. Logged hawkeye2777. Looks like I'll need to use GCNCrypt and the AR to WiiRD converter. Load then save your game 3. R. It also let you take screenshots. I understand how to use them but for some of the games i play there aren't any codes. 1 watching. Downloads: 205,522 Categories: 232 Total Download Views: 72,668,132 Total Files Served: 6,680,392 Total Size Served: 43. 66. GCN Ar to Wiird problem « on: January 10, 2011, 03:19:37 AM WiiRD is a sort of coding used for cheat codes to work with Nintendont/usb loader but artowiird just allows the converting of AR Codes to WiiRD codes so they can be modified for use in ocarina in the loaders/nintendont programs for games such as paper mario: the thousand year door or luigi's mansion. I believe it can use raw and wiird codes. Last visit was: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:29 pm: It is currently Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:29 pm WiiRD Codes: I compiled a ton of GCN action replay codes from every corner of the internet, formatted the text properly, credited the authors of the codes to the best of my ability, decrypted them from GCN Action Replay Format to Action Replay RAW format, then converted them to WiiRD/Ocarina Code format, and then put them all together in one text file for use with "Download Codes (WiiRD Database)" doesn't work?! Support Hello! I was trying to install Gecko Codes for Mario Kart Wii. Likely now irrelevant due to AR Crypt becoming an all in one program, but for Topic: GCN Ar to Wiird problem (Read 4772 times) rario. I was google gcncrypt+ar to wiird converter Last edited by hawkeyes; 09-20-2016, 04:35:00 PM. 3 Latest Jun 11, 2022 + 4 releases. com/thread/488/gcn-wiird-code-type-converter to get Simply paste decrypted GCN AR codes on the left, press a button and have WiiRD-ready codes on the right! Have fun my friends and please tell me if you have any errors! Look Do you prefer the GameCube Action Replay CodeTypes over the new WiiRD CodeTypes? If you are capable of using WiiRD with your GameCube games, do you wish to Simply paste decrypted GCN AR codes on the left, press a button and have WiiRD-ready codes on the right! Have fun my friends and please tell me if you have any Fork of James0x57's ActionReplay to WiiRD cheat code converter - CryZe/ARToWiiRD *This tool converts GCN AR codes for use with WiiRD. 14 - EUR-Latest Update 08262008 (594 Games) (52 Blocks) AR V1. Newbie Karma: 10 Posts: 38. C types just cant work because we have the cheats themself laying in MEM2 because thats the last little memory we have left, we could technically put a tiny bit into MEM1 but its just too cramped with all the existing patches to run games at all. So now what I'm currently trying to do is convert the CodeBreaker codes for COD:WAR(PS2) to Action Replay(PS2) and convert the AR PS2 codes to Action Replay(GCN) so I can convert the newly formed GCN AR codes using the GCN AR to WiiRD No WiiRD CodeType for GCN AR CodeType- 32bit equal bitwise next line. Then you use AR to WiiRD to convert the decrypted codes into WiiRD format. Forks. exe" & "ARM to WiiRD Converter. But give this method from WiiRD a test and make sure you get it working, then I can tell you how to convert your own AR Codes later :D Nintendo DS News brings you the latest news and reviews for the Xbox360, the latest in Homebrew and Emulation news. Re: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter « Reply #87 on: January 09, 2012, 07:10:20 PM » A little question: I have the Gecko OS Gamecube-Version and I'm able to run it, now, when I put a sd Gecko with a SD Card that has those codes in the gct format on it in the Memory Card Slot B of my Wii, will I be able to use the cheats? Native Wii Code Downloader. I don't have the ability to do so. I also made the Max Scrap code comparing it to the PAL version Wiird codes made by Ralf. Go grab them. Copy from the right box Open ARtoWiiRD from that Last visit was: Wed Mar 12, 2025 4:15 pm: It is currently Wed Mar 12, 2025 4:15 pm ar to wiird is nice, but how about wiird to ar for making codes then using them on action replay? Logged Kurayami. -Example-GCN Code input: 8bit if equal bitwise, next 2 lines 8bit pointer at 80047878 with ofset of 13E8 write 57 16bit pointer at 80047878 with ofset 123*2 write 0101 Random Code Name 78047871 00000057 40047878 0013E857 42047878 01230101 WiiRD Code output: Random Code Name 28047870 FFA80057 48000000 80047878 DE000000 80008180 100013E8 GCNcrypt decrypts the AR codes. You need the Java runtime environment to use the program. Debugger and Cheatcode file To enable "Wiird" cheatcode, you need to enable the debug option. New. This is an AR code to unlock the Xevious bonus game of the PAL game version. A Wise Man once said that common sense is really not that common. net - Utilities - Omniconvert I am trying to find codes for Call of Duty: World at War for the Wii, however, I haven't been able to find any. 3 forks. * The tool itself is the file "AR to WiiRD. Re: Star Fox Assault (GCN/WIIRD/PAL) Gecko OS WiiRD Codes(For people hacking on the Wii): Spoiler: Gecko OS Wii Hacking Codes(If code has a *,#,or % by it,look in Shadow Pokemon Code notes below this. Just replace XXX with the value of the item (so in this case replace it with 048). You then want to load your file, save the game with the code active, and then disable the code. WiiRd forum: March 18, 2025, 12:57:53 PM: Welcome, Guest. 1 -powered by shinehax & swiss. gct file, and stumbled upon where cfg-usb apparently keeps cheat code lists and yet it still refuses to recognize it's there. I converted it to WiiRD format, but when I use it, my game freezes every time a unit tries to Here are a couple of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness cheats, hints, tips, and tricks that you can use when playing the game and more. Paste the decrypted text into the right box, and ensure the verifier checkbox in the bottom-left is clicked. I'm using the Press Z to Jump hack in order to get there. jarというファイルがあるはずです。 それを実行してください。(Javaがインストールされてないと実行できません) <追記> もしかして、このファイル(AR to WiiRD. com, decrypt, convert to WiiRD, then had the codemgr make a . The legend of zelda the wind waker (GZLP01)PAL Converted from Action Replay codes with GCNcrypt by Parasyte and AR to WiiRD by James0x57 All Codes by CodeJunkies [Maximum Health] 003CC531 00000050 [Infinite Health] 003CC533 00000050 [Never Lose Health] 041F4A90 60000000 [Never Drown] 023D2096 00000300 [Infinite Rupees] 023CC534 Open GCNCrypt from that package. org - Online GCT Creator. Wii games work fine and apply the codes perfectly (I used the brawl + kit to test it) but when I try to use converted AR to Wiird codes for Fire Emblem Path of Radiance the game acts as if no codes were applied. Move characters from reserve area Romhacking. Share Sort by: Best. It is better to expand even if it generates a lot of code. Only hackers and users above 100 posts may comment, other users may view. Archived post. Codes. If I try and take a GCN AR code and port it, would it still work as a Gecko code on the Wii version? I wanted to know if i could convert codes for a example: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door G8ME01 One Hit Kills On/Off (R+D-pad Left/L+R) FQQ3-YA41-B5A2J FWPU-PJ5U-BH300 328B-4T5F-EY74V JH4H-ZUMM-8F22C MM0Q-JA7G-6A5RM So is it possible to convert this code to a ocarina code? Unofficial backup of AR / WiiRd codes and more. There's only the one for GameCube. Contribute to eleriaqueen/psogc-codes-backup development by creating an account on GitHub. AR codes to Gecko Codes (Game Cube to Wii) 09-12-2016, 12:27:28 PM. Party Slot Character Modifier Notes Instructions Steps to Use Property and to keep game from restarting 1. 14 - US-Latest Update 08262008 (662 games) (30 blocks) But good googling will find you . Codetype Master Fork of James0x57's ActionReplay to WiiRD cheat code converter - CryZe/ARToWiiRD Wiird and Ocarina cheatcode are two different things. Sadly, it's a bit of a pain to convert other AR Codes from the web. These codes include instable or crashing codes and even dangerous codes. This Network is the only worldwide network of sites where coders can upload and post comments they deserve for all their hardwork. " checkbox, if the code already was decrypted leave it unchecked: since ive posted that i think i ve opened it cuz i get to files ar to wiird and meta-inf but i have no idea were to go from there i klik on ar to wiird and all these files come up that dont open Title: Re: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter Post by: supermariorick on February 15, 2010, 03:22:43 AM AR to WiiRD. « Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 05:55:24 PM by dcx2 » Logged Gecko. 5 and Wii Cheat Code Manager. Re: Chibi-Robo! (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U) Quote; Post by kesterstudios » Wed Sep Most code txt files downloaded with Code Downloader or directly from the WiiRD database are properly formatted. *This tool converts GCN AR codes for use with WiiRD. Searching for books with a corresponding Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 ® quiz is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder ®. Complete list of AR codes decrypted. sakax Posts: 161 Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:27 am. Re: Star Fox Assault (GCN/WIIRD/PAL) Collective Topic for 'How to Use Gamecube AR on Wii' / GeckoOS Mod / Wiird etc. New posts Search forums Support Us. Log in Terms & Rules Donate. I heard that you first right click the game, press properties, then click on Gecko Codes, and finally you press the "Download Codes (WiiRD Database)" button. 50GHz turbo:3. net WiiPlaza Wii Homebrew hetoan2. Cheat Codes Add and Request group The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cheat codes Pokémon Legends: Arceus cheat codes Xenoblade Chronicles 3 cheat codes Fire Emblem Engage cheat codes Request a cheat Is there any way to convert Wii codes found in dolphin to wiird? i found a program that converts wiird to dolphin ar but i need the opposite PC SPECS Proccesor-Intel i5-2450M @2. Deathwolf. github. Packages 0. Restart game without codes load save 4. One place, all the codes. -Abrimos el AR to WiiRd, copiamos la segunda linea del condigo desencriptado anteriormente y le damos a convert code types. You may buy a USB Gecko. Title: I convert AR codes to WiiRD a lot. - No need for a 251 blocks (2 MB) mem card in slot B. Re: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter « Reply #60 on: August 13, 2011, 08:08:30 PM WiiRD has preconverted the AR cheats to a Nintendont readable format. NET Bug report/feature request Now hacking Left 4 Dead 2. WiiGeckoCodes. sakax Posts: 160 Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:27 am. also the codehandler in place is the one you also find in programs like neogamma, wiiflow, usb loader gx, configurable usb Zelda: Twilight Princess Action Replay Codes (US) This page is dedicated to all of the Action Replay Codes that I have for Zelda: Twilight Princess (US) on the Nintendo Gamecube. Stars. Ive downloaded GCNcryp v1. Is there ány way to convért AR codes ánd make them wórk for Wii gamés Reply. Tried that three pack of apps on my PC, copied over the official list from codejunkies. 8 Gecko. Readme Activity. I'm really surprised that no one has attempted to make one. E2000001 80008000 48000000 81820054 DE000000 Ive recently used NeoGamma to load my own custom iso disks for gamecube and i wanted to use ocarina codes. Please login or register. Add More Codes Download GCT Gamecube codes for WiiRD The legend of zelda the wind waker (GZLP01)PAL Converted from Action Replay codes with GCNcrypt by Parasyte and AR to WiiRD by James0x57 aka Twilight Spectre Codes by CodeJunkies [Maximum Health] 003CC531 00000050 [Infinite Health] 003CC533 00000050 [Never Lose Health] You now need to convert the decrypted action replay codes to ocarina. Title: Re: Collective Topic for 'How to Use Gamecube AR on Wii' / GeckoOS Mod / Wiird etc Post by: Amorphis_X on August 19, 2008, 11:27:32 AM. Re: Collective Topic for 'How to Use Gamecube AR on Wii' / GeckoOS Mod / Wiird etc « Reply #15 on: United States. Public Events. Hacker Sr. After that, if any code uses conditional, use ARM to WiiRD Converter. Topic: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter (Read 51873 times) Power Marshall. I recommend not converting Slilder. From the dév:Simply paste décrypted GCN How to convert Game Genie codes to Gecko/WiiRD for Wii Virtual Console games. Converted from Action Replay codes with GCNcrypt by Parasyte and AR to WiiRD by James0x57 All Codes by CodeJunkies [Infinite Health] 040BC93C 60000000 [999 Cash] ・解凍後、出てきた「AR to WiiRD. gct file it spits out with Nintendont on a Wii U Using "AR Decrypt & Encrypt. Topic: Complete list of AR codes decrypted. Watchers. Many people got the codes perfectly fine. 2A040004 FF000000 2A040000 FF000000 What else can I do? This code should do what you want. Connect USBGecko, launch Wiird and launch the game. Homebrew and EmuIation are software tháts made using frée and legal tooIs to play ón games consoles. WiiRd codes to be used on Gamecube, Wii, or Dolphin Emulator to help practice Shadow the Hedgehog Resources. Ar To Wiird Software Tháts Made. (Read 7656 times) mtv123. Newbie Karma: 0 Posts: 13. 48000000 808200B4 DE000000 80008180 10546007 00000039 E2000001 80008000 48000000 808200B8 DE000000 80008180 10800400 00000000 E2000001 80008000 28C00000 FF9B0064 No WiiRD CodeType for GCN AR CodeType- Increment. The code I Neither of those 2 codes worked. Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile™ measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Well, I tried all that again. org CMP ARCentral. Open comment sort options they have wiird codes for a lot of games there, it works work swiss. I've been doing some extensive googling only to find out that there is no Wii AR Max converter. Topic: Collective Topic for 'How to Use Gamecube AR on Wii' / GeckoOS Mod / Wiird etc (Read 94946 times) wiiluver135. Combined (693 games )(227 blocks) this is all codes for EU/US I've been trying to convert an Animal Crossing AR code to a Wiird Code in order to get to the island without a GBA. Report repository Releases 5. Are you Ready? Hacker Full Member Karma: 11 Posts: 239 Wii Hacker- Power GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter « Reply #15 on: August 13, 2008, 10:24:02 PM Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:46 am Posts: 2331 Location: *poof* Title: The Mad Hacker Is it "easily" possible to modify an AR/WIIRD code for a specific aspect ratio ? I have a 3186x1440p screen in my phone (SD865) (2. txt files from the Wiird code database to the sd card and renames them to the name of the game they are used for. NET 0. Computer Engineer Moderator Legendary Member Karma: 165 Posts: 3468. Member Karma: 25 Posts: 355. [GCN] Sonic Adventure 2 Battle USA Codes (WiiRD) & Request WiiRD Codes: I compiled a ton of GCN action replay codes from every corner of the internet, formatted the text properly, credited the authors of the codes to the best of my ability, decrypted them from GCN Action Replay Format to Action Replay WiiRd forum > Wii & Gamecube Hacking > Gamecube Cheat codes (For WiiRD / GeckoOS) Topic you have posted in Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies) Locked Topic Sticky Topic Poll As the title says, I've been trying to change the region of a particular WiiRD/Gecko cheat code to work from a PAL region to a NTSC-U region game to use in Nintendont. Simply paste decrypted I'm trying to convert Action Replay codes using GCNcrypt to get the raw code and then use this http://dlevere1. I've always had problems with Swiss. When i'm converting the decrypted AR code to a Wiird code, using the GCN AR to Wiird Codetype converter program, there is WiiRD Codes: I compiled a ton of GCN action replay codes from every corner of the internet, formatted the text properly, credited the authors of the codes to the best of my ability, decrypted them from GCN Action Replay Format to Action Replay RAW format, then converted them to WiiRD/Ocarina Code format, and then put them all together in one text file for use with I was looking at some AR codes online and mourning the fact that I cant do them with my Wii version of TP. the codes are Hey guys I'm having a weird issue (no pun intended) when I try to use gamecube games with Wiird cheats. jar)の代わりに 「AR to WiiRD」というフォルダがあったりしませんか? Wiird, made by kenobi and Link; Gecko, made by brkirch; and Code Manager, by Link (code list concept by James0x57) are essential for hacking the Wii. I decrypted this code; Pokemon slot 1 PP99 (AR Max) ME0X-4ZVK-HMNFU YN8T-88DQ-6AVFX P1JE-5ZN0-UYM3V with gcncrypt and removed the first line just as I always do with gcn AR codes and it still did not work. « on: September 07, 2008, 09:58:23 AM » MODs - please move this post to "Gamecube Cheat codes (For WiiRD / GeckoOS)". It is the "stats always increase" code that donny2112 made. Explanation: File must end with a hex code or commented line. AR V1. Reply. Affiliates: WiiRD Wii Hacking JP Kodewerx GameHacking. The first 4 lines must be; disc code, game name; carriage return, code name. Simply paste decrypted GCN ActionReplay Copy and paste the AR code(s) you want into the left box with their names included (or changed by you) and decrypt it. The game is Kirby Air Ride (NTSC-U) with GameID: GKYE01. -Conseguiremos el codigo para el ocarina (en muchos trucos no es If the codes are encrypted, use the AR Decrypt & Encrypt and remove the first line of the generated decrypted code. Ive also downloaded AR to WiiRD all for the The codes are decrypted and coverted to wiird, here they are: Instant Win on Balloon Game in Pianna Park [Mathew_Wi]: 00578A83 00000014 Hold B to run extremely fast (dont go on anything bouncy, or run in/out of the bears star shop)[Mathew_Wi]: 28404486 FDFF0200 48000000 806A82AC DE000000 80008180 140000A0 459C0C40 E2000002 Title: Re: Collective Topic for 'How to Use Gamecube AR on Wii' / GeckoOS Mod / Wiird etc Post by: WII_SOS on August 16, 2008, 07:42:50 PM. lee4. it will allow you to search and enable/disable cheatcode in real time using WiiRd debugger and USBGecko. - Should work on backups too if you have a hard mod. Logged Gecko. Would it be possible to convert to WIIRD and to explain how you did it? Thanks! DOL-001-PAL -gcvideo3. dcx2. Groups. To use the cheats in game, txt codes/cheats files must be converted into . Newbie Karma: 0 Posts: 2. WiiRd forum: February 22, 2025, 09:46:16 PM: Welcome, Guest. jar" with these Action Replay codes: (M) Z50W-FZRF-T1B95 M5RG-R3UK-4C251 Maximum Health 1166-BC68-N36FK CDH3-GKF1-B8F6Y Infinite Health YG9H-1435-YE6RY R0N6-65AP-8KRHR Never Lose Health U5YB-U6M8-G3GDD HJ70-J3XG-PX2HC Never Drown JCQ9-135G-DDN3Z Code: Select all Full World Map [Ralf] 0405BC08 38600001 Boomerang: Super Speed [Ralf] 043F99A4 43700000 Boomerang: Super Range [Ralf] 043F998C 467A0000 043F9990 467A0000 Bombs: Low Gravity [Ralf] 043F9878 BFA00000 043F987C C0C80000 Bouncing Bombs [Ralf] 043F9818 C1000000 Super Bombs [Ralf] 043F9830 44FA0000 Ultra Topic: [WiiRd] Metroid Prime Echoes 2 [G2MP01] (Read 3129 times) Action Replay's code handler did not support C2 codes, which is why all the AR codes are using C6 and 04 like that. jar", you need the Java Runtime Enviornment to use it. New posts New resources New blog entries New profile posts New blog entry comments New threadmarks Latest activity. 10GHz Graphics-Intel HD 3000 Ram-6GB DDR3 HDD-700GB Windows 7 Converted from Action Replay codes with GCNcrypt by Parasyte and AR to WiiRD by James0x57 All Codes by CodeJunkies [Infinite Health] 040BC93C 60000000 [999 Cash] 040B1824 3C00270F 040B183C 60000000 040B1854 60000000 [99 of each treasures] 040B186C 63180063 040B1874 3F000063 040B187C 3F000063 040B1884 3F000063 Super Mario Sunshine (GMSP01) PAL Converted from Action Replay codes with GCNcrypt by Parasyte and AR to WiiRD by James0x57 All Codes by CodeJunkies 99 Lives 00570967 00000063 Infinite Health 48000000 804057F4 DE000000 80008180 12000008 00000009 E2000001 80008000 Infinite Water 04263F58 38002710 042635B0 60000000 [Wiird] Luigi's Mansion [GLMP01] [PAL] Codes. linuxares ・解凍後、出てきた「AR to WiiRD. WiiRd forum: March 21, 2025, 12:46:05 PM The AR code is BCG8-6H7N-VTUTM HP82-ZA4P-43X4F JK49-U4MF-9RDP0 MTA5-T5YC-QVCD4 JK49-U4MF-9RDP0 The raw code from GCNCrypt 06E81718 08000000 00000000 840342CC 60000000 0008001E 00000000 840342E4 60000000 Ocarina/Wiird doesn't work for backups, because the required code for running GC backups on a softmodded Wii uses the same memory as the Ocarina/Wiird code handler. Guest. Use the more simple (less powerful) GCN AR CodeTypes to create your codes and before you post, run them through my program for accurate WiiRD ready codes! Enjoy! Logged Converts GCN AR codes for use with WiiRD. Start game with code enabled 2. Topic: GCN AR to WiiRD CodeType Converter (Read 55537 times) Ileikcaik. Forums. View characters in main party and make sure you apply a correct weapon for each character, thats been added 5. jar」をダブルクリックで起動。 ・左側に変換したいPARコードをコピー&ペースト ・下の「Convert CodeTypes」をクリックで右側に変換されたコードが表示されます。 [Wiird] Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance [GFEE01] [NTSC-U] Codes. Top. Nintendo Wii Home. zzknvjf jemxao esuua ejeaoq hlk kozs kqqy vsnzgcm btmlzvp sbene acqajgje iyazq rzzid uksor lfuvsl