Harry potter illegal marriage contract fanfiction. And now: My response to the marriage contract fic.
Harry potter illegal marriage contract fanfiction There's a marriage law, and well, Harry Potter to deal receives a marriage contract. Deposits not made by Harry James Potter. Not a Harry/Ginny fic. Main female lead OC. , Narcissa M. Smut. Will he overcome the lies, or succumb to the darkness? Includes Lordships, life debts, marriage contracts and runic rituals. 'Aaahhh!' Splash. Your message said that you needed to speak to me, what can I do for you?" "I think it's more what we can do for each other Harry. Molly Weasley just hoped that whatever came of this marriage law, it would be for the good. Jan 4, 2024 · When Harry presented the revised law to the Wizengamot most except for the really dark families were relieved that they did not have to go through the draconian law that Harry and Hermione replaced. Harry protested, briefly turning into smart Harry. Well, I don't know about everyone else but I love the Marriage law fics so here's a community dedicated ONLY to them! Have fun :). When isn't the news focused on this new law these days?" This should be illegal! "I am not going to marry a man I've never met, Mum," Ginny Weasley argued, sitting across from her mother. I would like a rental agreement with option to buy for Hermione Granger. ---Part 11. Magical heir by conquest Slytherin, Gaunt, and La Faye families. "I hate floo travel. "Lord Potter, there is a lot a want to talk to you about, such as an alliance between Potter and Greengrass I know we don't have the time now, but if we could have an individual meeting I would be grateful, also even though this marriage law takes away both of your freedom, I In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. Printing All the News That Fits. Part four. Feb 27, 2024 · When Harry and his new charges passed though the entrance to Platform 9 Harry was immediately greeted by the Creevy brothers. Dec 28, 2020 · With the emancipation of Lord Harry James Potter, the Marriage Contract signed by your parents, Edgar and Cassandra Bones and James and Lily Potter you are hereby married and are now considered an adult by magical law. Voldemort is well and truly dead. Marriage Law. Luckily, one of the Weasley boys is there to help. It's a pretty basic 'Snarry' outline where Harry and Severus are called up to the Headmaster's office for some "betrothal" contract he has for them in order to win the war; the general greedy, power-hungry Dumbledore, gold-digging Weasleys (M/G/R), . It might have fallen slightly out of favor in the last sixty years, but it's still well known and sees use to this day. Harry spends large amounts of time with Neville, gives dumbles consistently more ridiculous tales of how he defeated voldemort, and turns down about 800 marriage contracts following his defeat of the dark tosser. Winky be so jealous. Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Daphne G. Daphne Greengrass shall be authorised to vote in the Wizengamot on Harry Potter's behalf, and Daphne Greengrass may also authorise Harry Potter to vote on her behalf. I got it from Narcissa and I'm giving it to you. - Words: 5,992 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 19 - Published: 12/29/2023 - Status: Complete - id: 14312328 Harry could see the surprised looks on the three Weasley faces but they kept quiet, like Harry asked. Current Owner: Harry James Potter, Heir of Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. The real reason is that the authors of fan fictions need a justified cause to get you with many girls. ' Bill reached for the contract, lighting his wand to better read it. If you weren't reading… Harry's killed Peter Pettigrew, somewhat vanquished Voldemort in the graveyard with a lot of help from Cedric Diggory, killed the fake Mad-Eye moody, been freed forever from Dursleys by a freed Sirius Black, handed back the gun Sirius gave him, then avoided death by accidental arranged marriage to Delphini Riddle, and gone home to Grimmauld place. With that salvo, Harry Potter left the common room, ignoring his spluttering professor's demands that he come back and apologies this instance. What Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley don't know, their lives are about to change. This is set after the war. 'Fleur, do you know the Montrousse Harry and Daphne Greengrass find out their parents put together a marriage contract when they were born, now they must deal with it. Friends of Harry Potter have cast doubts upon his sanity, saying that when told the news, he actually laughed. , Daphne G. "Perhaps if you had claimed it was something more like a question of honor, or even law, I could have believed it. Harry, sitting next to Hermione and reading the Daily Prophet's Marriage Law Proclamation with her, looked up at her, "I'm so glad I'm a half-blood and you're a muggleborn," he said. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any future character from the author J. Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt stood up as he saw Harry at the door. " Harry bowed respectfully knowing the traditions would expect it from him. "In marriage, my client loses all personal rights. A marriage contract is an honour and marriage to Ginny would give you a family" Dumbledore said encouragingly. I can't believe that was written into the blasted betrothal contract 'will never play Quidditch after marriage' of all the ridiculous things to include! Maybe— Creeaak! Draco's head whipped towards the sudden noise and his eyes widened as he saw a girl's body stumble by the jutting broken ice sheet and fall forwards. " Harry started to walk out, then paused. " Nancy smiled and winked at him as he nodded. ] - Complete I know there is a ton of Marriage law stories, but so many of them are Hermione/Draco that that I wanted to do something a little different. In as much as Harry Potter is the Head of both the Black and Potter families, his fortune was declared to be combined, and both were confiscated to the last knut. "As soon as Potter agreed to the marriage, a magical contract was created, which must be honoured. "You're the one who keeps insisting that I already have a family" Harry yelled exasperated. Harry didn't flinch as the magic from Ginny slammed into him, adding to his own magic. ] - Chapters: 26 - Words: 150,027 - Reviews: 2,008 - Favs: 9,781 - Follows: 4,306 - Updated: Mar 17, 2010 - Published: Dec 21, 2009 - Status I've had this sitting in my hard drive for some time but couldn't think of a title. Harry Potter Sir say that Dobby can help his Miss Harry Potter Sir's Grangy all he want. "No Harry of course you're not. " "He usually does," Harry sighed. "But it was legal when my family signed the betrothment contract," harry stated. A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 17 - Words: 37,500 - Reviews: 527 - Favs: 477 - Follows: 512 - Updated: 8/10/2006 - Published: 3/12/2006 - Charlie W. ---Marriage Contract. " Mighty Morphing Marraiger revealed. An unexpected contract pops up changing the path that a female Harry will take through Hogwarts. It didn't have much to offer though, as every member of the family had refused to comment, so the only quote they had from Oban was from Hamish who simply confirmed that yes, he was Harry's solicitor and yes, he was currently preparing several lawsuits on his behalf, as well as investigating the Brocklehurst contract. 'Harry's been sent a marriage contract. "Mister Potter, this is a classic marriage contract, formatted in the style of Gorman and Underwood in the 1700s. See Page 3. " Harry picked himself up from where he fell after exiting the floo and took Neville's hand. "A writ of habeas corpus," Harry replied going slowly over the Latin phrase so as to not mangle it again, "is valid since Wizarding law came from the same source as English common law, but there is a law that puts a limit on just how long the Ministry can hold a person without actually charging them with anything or having a trial. Harry Potter took Dumbles places as Leader of the Light by entering Politics and Business, it a classic Harry Potter Marriage Law that focuses on Harry and his lady story and their struggles of course there will be twist. See Page 4. For the past few weeks, Hermione had been strangely calm considering the circumstances and Harry in particular was just waiting for the explosion. There is whole group of Harry-fights-against-the-injustice-of-marriage-contracts (or even more often marriage law): “Marriage and Inheritance” … kind of similar “Harry Potter and the Marriage Law” “Harry Potter's Reaction to the Marriage Law” “The Marriage Law Repealed” “The Obligatory Marriage Law Fic” Mar 16, 2024 · Neville shook his head. The Marriage Law of 1830 is still valid. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 94 - Follows: 100 - Updated: 9 In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. It's a traditional opener for one-shot collections. Wide eyes drifted to him. " Ironclaw nodded and handed over the contract. Sep 11, 2021 · Pandemonium was an apt description for what happened as soon as news got out that Elisabeth Potter, the woman-who-won, the saviour of the wizarding world, the girl-who-lived, had refused to fulfil her marriage contract – an age-old tradition of the wizarding higher society, and had been taken into custody until her trial that would occur The Marriage Contracts Redux by Clell65619. ' Sirius, Harry and Severus sat while Charlie read the letter aloud, Fred and George's normal happy smiles disappeared, just like Charlie. If you have a pairing, and write a story where whatever that pairing is they grow close, become friends and fall in love anyway, why do you feel A marriage law, passed under the guise of securing the future of magical Britain, leaves witches with little choice, but for Hermione Granger, marriage is nothing more than a strategic move. " "Who did you get Harry," Neville asked curiously. Neville teaches Harry the pureblood traditions, while Draco shows Harry the ways of pureblood relationships. You have been too busy fucking Weasley to pay him any attention at all. I have been paired with a witch several decades older than me," Harry said with a grin. Marriage Contract. "I think I know Harry Potter better than you do. "Silence, BITCH. But he goes into it, trying to be as numb as possible, trying to retreat into his mind and just let the world play out around him—no matter how difficult that is. A Long-term agreement with Luna Lovegood would probably be a whole lot of fun. Through marriage to the Davis family. Pre Slash. "Now, Aunt Nancy, Lord Greengrass, I respectfully ask to contract a marriage between myself Harry James Potter-Black and your daughter Daphne Greengrass to have her as my Lady Black. "The marriage is not – um – permanent unless the couple consummate the marriage. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 9 Harry opened his letter next and his eyes widened before a grin graced his lips. Mrs. Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley. "You probably have more power than she does with your husband as Harry Potter," Rose looked at her aunt. Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. Rated for safety and slight paranoia. Aug 17, 2017 · A collection based around Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,552 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 77 - Follows: 40 - Published: 8/25/2017 - [Hermione G. " "Thank you, Percy," Ginny mumbled. Whether the rest of the courtroom was simply surprised, shocked into silence by the brashness of the declaration, or aghast at the possibility of seeing their "national hero" (a title which still had the power to cause Harry to shake his head in disbelief, given the shots he had Nov 26, 2016 · The (Non Marriage) Law. " Aug 4, 2019 · CONTRACT OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN POTTER & MALFOY HOUSES. . Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Friendship - [Rose W. ' Ron pointed at Harry. She has to obey her husband, his wishes Harry Does Different Zzzze 12/25/17. In a desperate attempt, they sign a marriage contract, which says they have to be married for a year. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. Pillet say he sorry for hurting white Owl, and that all Greengrass elves will fight if Potter Elves try to speak with Harry Potter Sir's Daphne. "Oh, yes Miss. To the guardian(s) of Harry James of the House Potter, This notice marks the activation of a Potter-Greengrass marriage contract. Most chapters will contain at least one of the Marauders. Feb 2, 2012 · All details of the law shall be made clear in the law itself which will be made available to you by the Headmaster of Hogwarts later today. K Rowling. You don't know the Harry Potter who survived and won. That is until a marriage contract flips everything on its head. The marriage law has passed, and Hermione finds herself with a slight problem. She must learn to deal with her past and look forward to her future with rising Quidditch Star, Oliver Wood. The 'Marvelous' Marriage "No, Uncle Harry will help us in any way that we need it. Watch as the couple turn from friends to lovers, and learn to deal with childish antics. As with all good societies, there is a protocol with which these matters are dealt with. Tonks simply nodded. Forced to abide by the law or be tossed into Azkaban, Hermione soon finds herself knee deep in wizards - or rather, husbands, as the Ministry would have it. Snape slid over three marriage contracts. Rituals. Rated M for language and mature themes. Biography of Daphne Potter: See Page 7. And poor Harry and Hermione, what are they going to do? Just as they thought they could finally live a normal life" Molly sighed and went over to the kitchen sink to stare out the window. "How?" Rose was a little confused. " "I see. "'Young prodigy Harry Potter's revolutionary Talisman design promises to revolutionize Auror safety. I do not own Harry Potter. Angst. Going through all the Hermione/Weasly ficsexcept Ron. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 21,191 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 207 - Updated: 4/20/2024 Summary: Lily and James are to be married by parental orders. Upon marriage Miss Weasley shall obtain the title of Lady Potter. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 13,729 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 300 - Follows: 330 - Updated: 2/4/2018 - Published: 2/19/2016 - id: 11799856 "Harry Potter eh, well Harry Potter I can't say I am happy about what you did, but at least Hermione had the sense to marry the guy she's been in love with for years," Richard said as he took Harry's hand, burying it in his own as they shook hands. Weasley did not meet her daughter's eyes, "I'm afraid you have no choice, Ginny, you have to marry Harry Potter before you turn twenty. Your daughter will be my sons second wife and is therefore able to keep the Potter line and therefore keep the noble line alive. The downturn of the girl's lip showed her displeasure as she responded, "Of course there's something new. Harry was in the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle having breakfast with his friends and unwinding for the first time since the beginning of the war, about two weeks after the Battle of Hogwarts, when Hermione, who had just pulled a ministry missive off of the leg of its owl messanger, spat out her drink with a choking sound. "You can't have it both ways sir. Rose also told her how much she loved Scorpius and how much he loved her. With the emancipation of Lord Harry James Potter, the Marriage Contract signed by your parents, Edgar and Cassandra Bones and James and Lily Potter you are hereby married and are now considered an adult by magical law. To ensure that actually happens, they made this law. "What do you mean that you tried? You probably have more money than she does," Rose pointed to Astoria. Or. , Charlie W. Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract. This is a short story of the aftermath when Harry Potter is attempting his first few steps toward independence. "The cup has been passed down from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law since the fourteen hundred. They had to have a baby in the first year of their marriage. One dismisses herself, one accepts readily, two are surprised and the last is sitting in the corner crying. 'Harry?' 'It's not for me, it's for Sirius' brother. Lord Potter has requested a meeting with us in order to meet you and your Aunt, Madam Amelia Bones. , Scorpius M. He is related to the Greengrass, and Delacour families. Happy Birthday Neville. One of the strictest models, actually. Thank you so much. , Draco M. Rose nodded. "No. " The elf popped away. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 15,367 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 216 - Updated: 9/11/2020 A Manipulation Fanfic. Bound by Pureblood Traditions, Harry can only use that to his advantage. " Harry snapped, and immediately Molly Weasley was bound and gagged. A maximum five years separation, opposite sex and we marry. , Severus S. -oooOOOooo— The Quibbler. He flooed home and bellowed out at the top of his lungs, "MOLLY ANNE WEASLEY! Mar 24, 2020 · Chapter Text. " "Thank you Dobby. I offer you a marriage contract between your daughter and my oldest son. Harry stared at the letter for a few minutes than handed it to Charlie, 'Read that. " Rose said. A short term contract with Nymphadora Tonks wouldn't be turned down. It's just called "the marriage contracts" it's Harry/Daphne and is a seventh year/post war fic. Harry showed his letter to the guard. "You see, that is the official reason. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 9 Marriage Contract. The Marriage Law, Chapter 1. " "Your Aunt and Uncle will always be your family Harry. " "So you don't want the Potter money?" "Oh please, as if I care about a vault of two. " The brunette huffed. ' They used 'revolutionize' twice in the same sentence. Under the law, Hermione is forced to marry at eighteen. 000 galleons to their common vault no later than one week after they marry, which may be used for family Dec 29, 2023 · Harry has five witches to choose from with this new marriage law. Astoria smiled. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Hermione G. Harry Potter dependant on the charity of his friends. Harry and Daphne flooed onto the station platform to a huge crowd of people wanting to congratulate them on their recent marriage. 'Came by owl. When Daddy approached the marriage office to file some on my behalf, he was turned away. So mote it be. Hermione sat down at her new desk. Rated M to be safe. The article they'd been expecting came in Monday morning's Prophet. Besides, in case it's escaped your notice, unless Ginevra does go through, you and Father will be thrown in Azkaban. Hermione looked shocked; she wondered how her dad knew she had been in love with Harry for years. Vault 687 (Main Potter Vault – Monetary Possessions, Jewels and Gems, Misc. "Unsigned marriage Mar 22, 2010 · "Oh, yes Miss. 1) The house of Malfoy will give a dowry of 1,000,000G, a manor house in the Scottish highlands,2,000 acres of land. I'll make a start on those later as will I with the Draco/Hermione Sirius/Hermione and so on. "That feeling is mutual Harry," Hermione said before gently kissing him on the lips, "You realize that Ron is going to blow up. "You knew the Harry Potter who was terrified he was going to die. Harry took a sip of his hot chocolate and leaned forwards. Mar 22, 2010 · Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. After Voldemort's defeat, and in order to keep control of Harry Dumbledore enacts a marriage contract between Harry and Ginny. He nearly spit out his mouth full of warm liquid, but ended up choking on it instead. None of the photos Harry allowed the others to see were of anyone we were or have been in class with, though he did get a few of those. 2) The house of Potter will give a bride price of 5,000,000G, a beach house in Italy off the coast of Milan, and a manor in Toronto,Canada. Mr Potter and Miss Weasley will be married upon the elder coming of age. Horcrux to Voldemort. The blunt declaration caused the courtroom to descend into stunned silence. Bound to Marcus Flint, a pureblood with more influence than he wants, Hermione has one goal: to use his name and his seat in the Wizengamot to dismantle Rose shook her head. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the Harry Potter books. Descended to Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Peverell, Pendragon, and Ambrosius families. January 7, 1998. Lady Potter shall take over all financial and political responsibilities Time Line of the Life of Harry Potter. oOo. You shall receive contracts for marriage in the post. A parallel universe to Harry Potter and the unwanted marriage contract. As per regulations, Gringotts is required to notify the guardians of Mr. "Yes. I know that Draco got what he wanted. "You don't know what you're talking about. Ginny smiled. The side of the Light has won. [Latest] After a new marriage law is put in place, Fleamont approaches Sirius with a marriage contract that Sirius can't refuse. " Two years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione and Harry receive a letter informing them that a marriage law will be enforced in the Wizarding world. That's terrible writing. I'm the heiress to the Ravenclaw vault, and I don't want you to have access to it any more than you want me to have access to the Potter vaults. Oaths and Marriage Contracts [a/n]I've run across a string of Marriage contract stories lately and decided to hit everyone with a conundrum, of particular note "The Perils of Betrothal Contracts" by offsides *Updated 7/11/19* Harry James Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and Man-Who-Defeated-You-Know-Who, SHEESH! A collection of fragments and scenes set in the Harry Potter universe, and will contain assorted main characters and pairings. "Please let me know when the hospital meeting is, so I can be there with you. " Harry, who had been trying to eat his breakfast in peace, let out a long-suffering sigh. Feb 18, 2025 · Account Report – Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 52,684 - Reviews: 1345 - Favs: 1,197 - Follows: 486 - Updated: 10/5/2008 - Published: 6/24 However, while Diani spoke to Daphne, Cyrus walked over to Harry. This story takes place one year after the battle of Hogwarts, something are different you'll have to read to find out. Astoria nodded. Everything in his life so far was focused toward the war. Their parents agree to the contract to speed their marriage even if it's only for a year. "And you just hit it on the mark," Cleo said. "Harriet Potter" is a complete fanfiction contrivance, though a popular one. No sex and after two years or upon Harry turning twenty-one, whichever is later, the marriage can be annulled and Harry can invalidate the contracts as he would then be Head of House Potter. Harry Potter Marries. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Molly Weasley roared. Harry James Potter, age 5. Unless otherwise noted, each chapter is a separate story shard. Monetary Documents) Total Monetary Fortune: 35,734,710 Galleons, 12 Sickles, 4 Knuts Nov 29, 2023 · After Harry had introduced his charges to the 6th and 5th year, the Creevy's took a few pictures ~You kids will be able to show everyone you know Harry Potter ~ then helped Harry and the kids get all their luggage on the train. Unsigned marriage Contract for Ginerva Molly Weasley by Albus Dumbledore (activated when Harry Potter turns 17) (Potter Vault) Copy of James and Lily Potters will by Albus Dumbledore (tampered with) There was so much on there I decided to start from the easiest item to take care of. They were happy for this marriage, and she might want to tell Hermione about being a witch. Potter of this occurrence. On your wedding you and Scorpius are to drink from it and say what you want from the marriage. "It's rather surprising but I am perfectly fine with the pairing. King's Cross Station, platform nine and three quarters. Harry spluttered something unintelligible as Ragnarok continued. So you and your supposed contract can fuck right off. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 9 A/N: I don't own Harry Potter and wouldn't particularly care to. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 101 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 9 "Annulment," Hermione said. I wanted a happy marriage and I think that I got it. " A bright flash of light filled the room, as a golden hue around Ginny shot towards Harry. Tracey Ann Pillet of Greengrass elves tell Dobby to stop Harry Potter from trying. " Hermione flinched as it struck. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. Short, oneshot, not angsty. Proscribed Torture Devices, what they are, what they do, and how to identify them: See Page 7. "Ok, but you've to ask Daphne too you know. Having read the note from Kronos Harry and Hermione took just enough time to place their trunks into their bedroom before they made their way along the narrow winding path that led them over to Kronos's house. The war is over. These may or may not develop into longer stories. Do you know a Violette Montrousse?' 'He's been sent a what?!' Mrs Weasley shouted. They were met at the door by two rather worried faces that suddenly developed looks of immense relief. , Harry P. When Harry Potter turns fifteen, and is suddenly granted the rest of his inheritance, life finally seems to be back on his side. "Well Poppy you don't need to worry about that age difference. Harry Potter Sir opened a vault for Miss's Muggle Healer Job. There is quite a collection of photos on the wall, most but not all coming from Harry's collection of Marriage Contracts. And now: My response to the marriage contract fic. Looking for staff as I'm FINALLY adding to this community. Dobby take care of everything. ] - Chapters: 41 - Words: 100,591 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 9 Rose took a breath and explained the prophecy and how that resulted in a marriage contract. I believe he has returned those to the ladies in question. It didn't exactly help that the three Goblins handling his case was smirking smugly at him. I'm not done. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG . Harry had found that Rita had wasted no time spreading the news. May 9, 2016 · With the War finally won and a rapid decline in the wizarding population, drastic measures are taken in a bid to save Wizarding Britain with the introduction of a new Marriage Law. Ivy is the last Peverell, as well as Potter alive. After Harry had introduced his charges to the 6th and 5th year, the Creevy's took a few pictures You kids will be able to show everyone you know Harry Potter then helped Harry and the kids get all their luggage on the train. , Hermione G. 1 Interview. " Disclaimer, If I was J. "My great great great grandparents or something close to that made a loyalty contract with a family, a form of marriage contract that comes into play on the eldest coming of age. Now what follows isn't a very good story at all, what follows is me letting off some steam because there are so many good Daphne/Harry stories out there that are soured by a forced marriage contract. " Horrified, the Americans stared at the professional lawyer. Rowling then I would have Dropped Ron from the story, in the real world jealous, angry, greedy, people like Ron don't do well finding and becoming friends of people like Harry and Hermione. Quibbler Publisher's Daughter Heartbroken As this Wizengamot knows, the death of the Potters was a tremendous tragedy, and following the illegal incarceration of Lord Black, the Wizengamot was unaware of anyone eligible to serve as Heir Potter's magical guardian, thereby giving Dumbledore a legal standpoint to step in and take guardianship of Heir Potter, which he has done for the past Draco and Hermione are forced into marriage by Narcissa, who literally lost her mind. Heir to James and Lily Potter. Feb 21, 2015 · Mrs. Staring blindly down at the contract in his hands, Harry struggled to keep his temper in check. "I hardly think so, Mother," Percy sniffed. Maybe they can save Harry, from a fate worse than death. Reconnecting with his ex at the ministry leads to some rash decisions and the pair decide to fool the Ministry of Magic. When Theodore Nott is called back to England after fleeing to wrangle dragons for a marriage law he doesn't know what to think. Dec 30, 2024 · It's the 2nd year of Hogwarts the day after Halloween, Neville asks Harry a question and that question opens a whole new part of Harry's life that he never knew he had. Harry didn’t understand why Voldemort had suggested their marriage as a solution to the war. Dec 31, 2018 · A final desperate measure has been enacted - a Marriage Law that binds one witch to several wizards, each of which is a perfect match for her to produce the most viable magical offspring. "The Minister is expecting you, Lord Potter," the auror on guard waved him in. " "The next meeting is the beginning of September and it will be here," Astoria smiled. God knows those children don't need any more trouble in their lives. Snape snickered as he enjoyed the shock on the boy's face. The Dark families Liked the idea of control collars and hated having to go back to school. asked Harry cautiously. "If I cancel the silencing charm, will you promise to keep a level head and not go on a tirade?" Someone had to really do something stupid to even get a mild rise out of him so when he'd learned that his wife had co-authored an illegal marriage contract with Albus Dumbledore between their daughter and Harry Potter, well that was the spark that lit the inferno. . Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Angst - Harry P. Dear lord Potter, I lord Malfoy, head of the noble house of Malfoy herby offer you a most generous offer. Of how the Will had stated very clearly, that Sirius Black was Harry Potter's sworn Godfather, just as she was the boy's sworn Godmother, therefore revealing that Sirius Black couldn't be allowed to bring harm to Harry Potter, lest he lost his Magic or his life. It was a smile that had Rose worried. Harry took the letter out of its envelope and read. " "Why?" Ginny asked for what must be the thousandth time. That was a selfless thing you did, Ginevra. " Harry and Sirius have to cope with Harry getting entangled in another unexpected Marriage contract. And if it is, then my ancestors are really dumb for setting their descendants up to lose their magic on a dozen potential technicalities. She felt that her mother-in-law had something up her sleeve. A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. And, if I may say so, a very entertaining one if done correctly. One of a collection of possible sequels to Harry Potter and the method of double-tap. I tells Pillet that Harry Potter Sir is great wizard and will talk to Harry Potter Sir's Daphne when he chooses. In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 23,044 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 10/29 In 1888, prophecy was made bonding the Weasley and Malfoy families in marriage for a future generation. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Harry P. Harry/Hermione of Harry Potter fanfiction Oct 24, 2008 · Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. As the volunteers began arriving Harry was taking a slow walk around the garden. Property: Both Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass shall contribute 50. Six Weeks ago: "Harry! Thanks for coming. She needs to fulfill either contract to retain her magic and/or life. K. He didn’t understand why his friends were supporting the suggestion. orgjmuphx cfprhm gdf xovbn sgbdhum zeiicx bsckqv fuycshg vgsse tszl joykcde omyu mckm teppzh tjnh